Each of the following maps demonstrates the heterogeneous nature of neighbourhoods in Turin in terms of socio-economic characteristics. These maps highlight a distinct pattern of geographical segregation of socio-economic characteristics within the city, regardless of whether one examines Turin by unemployment, manual worker density or educational attainment. Socio-economic deprivation is concentrated in industrialised neighbourhoods of Northern Turin, as well as in the Southern outskirts of the city. High deprivation seen in these areas marks a sharp contrast to the affluence observed in Easternmost Turin. Socio-economic indicators were derived using data from the 2001 Census.
The following socio-economic indicator maps are colour-coded; high concentrations of a socio-economic characteristic are represented by brown tones, which lighten as the concentration reduces. Intermediate concentrations of a socio-economic characteristic are represented by the white tone. The lowest concentrations are represented by green tones. For further information about how these maps were created, please visit the methodological section of the Atlas. Click on each image for a full-screen view of the maps below.
Area Distribution of Unemployment in Turin
This map portrays the area distribution of unemployment in Turin. Areas ranked in the lowest septile of unemployment (shown in dark green) are found mainly in the East (to the right of the Po River) and in Southern Turin. Whilst the low levels of unemployment in the East are largely homogeneous, in Western and Southern Turin areas least affected by unemployment are dispersed between areas with relatively higher unemployment, as shown by the mix of colours on the map. Dark brown areas ranked in the highest septile of unemployment are concentrated in Northern Turin. The overall distribution of unemployment is varied in West Turin, compared to the clear divide between Northern and Eastern areas of the city.
Manual Workers
Area Distribution of Manual Workers in Turin
This map shows the area distribution of manual worker density throughout Turin. The pattern for manual worker density follows the same pattern shown for unemployment, yet the spatial distribution of manual worker density is more pronounced. Areas ranked in the highest and lowest septiles of manual worker density now dominate many areas of Turin, suggesting greater relative inequalities by manual worker density than by unemployment. Areas with the lowest manual worker density are primarily located in the East of Turin (shown in dark green). Whilst dark green areas are also evident in Central and Southern Turin, manual worker density is more varied in these parts of the city. Areas with the highest density of manual workers are concentrated in Northern Turin and to a lesser degree, in the Southern outskirts. High density areas are uncommon in Central and Western Turin, as shown by the small number of brown areas surrounded by less deprived areas (shown in white and green tones). This map highlights a sharp divide in manual worker density between Northern and Eastern areas of Turin.
Primary Education
Area Distribution of Low Educational Attainment in Turin
This map shows the area distribution of adults that completed formal schooling at the primary level. As with unemployment and manual worker density, areas most burdened by low educational attainment (shown in dark brown) are located in Northern Turin and in the Southern outskirts. Neighbourhoods least affected by low educational attainment (shown in dark green) are most evident in the East of Turin. Similarly, central and Southern areas in the Western of Turin, display lower levels of low educational attainment, yet here heterogeneous patterns dominate. Again, this map demonstrates a striking divide between Northern and Eastern Turin, shown in the spatial distribution of low educational attainment.
University Qualifications
Area Distribution of University Qualifications in Turin
This map shows the area distribution of the proportion of adults that have obtained university qualifications in Turin, and as expected, it illustrates the inverse of the patterns shown by low educational attainment above. The Northern areas of Turin are those with the lowest proportions of university qualifications. Central and Southern areas in the West of Turin display varied patterns of university qualifications. Areas ranked in the highest septile of university qualifications (shown in dark brown) are found in Eastern and Central Turin. This map demonstrates that socio-economic deprivation, measured by the scarcity of university qualifications, rests primarily in the Northern areas of Turin.