
Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience


People not referred to the Clinic

The information provided below is for people with aphasia who have not been referred to the Specialist NHS Aphasia Clinic.

Prof Jenny Crinion and Prof Alex Leff are conducting a number of research projects. These aim to further develop our understanding of aphasia and to investigate different assessments and therapy approaches. Anyone interested in taking part in a research project should see the questions below. These questions and answers should help you decide whether to get in touch.

How can I get involved?

Prof Jenny Crinion can discuss with you any research projects you may be interested in participating in. She may ask you to take part in some speech and language assessments. In order to do that you would need to refer yourself to the clinic. Attending the clinic does not commit you to taking part in any research at this stage.

Will I get speech and language therapy?

Yes. Also some of the research projects do involve therapy studies but this is not the same as NHS speech and language therapy.

How can I refer myself?

You can only be referred by either your GP or a Hospital Consultant.

Referral for the initial clinic appointment, will need to be processed electronically.  

To book patients via the eRS system into the Aphasia Clinic at 'The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in Queen Square' please select the following options below:

  • National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery (NHNN) 

  • Outpatient Services 

  • Rehabilitation 

  • Neuro- rehabilitation 

  • Aphasia Clinic 

 Please do not hesitate to contact Deepali, should you require any more information. 

Deepali Jadeja

Administrator - Aphasia 

Address: The National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London, WC1N 3BG

Email: uclh.nhnn.aphasia@nhs.net 

Tel: 0203 448 3848  

What will happen now?

You will receive an appointment to attend the clinic - this will be at the Basil Samuels Outpatient Department at the National Hospital of Neurology and Neurosurgery. You will see Prof Jenny Crinion. The number of future appointments will vary from person to person and this will be explained to you.

What sort of projects are currently happening?

We have projects on the following areas:

• Hemianopic alexia (patients with slowed reading caused by a visual impairment) 

• Naming therapy

• Understanding the brain and language