Your personal information
The first time you access a survey, you will be asked to complete some personal data about yourself, such as your ethnicity, gender, trans identity and whether you’re a parent or carer. Some of this information we are asking for may seem excessive to you, but we are asking these questions as we are aware that some members of our community are experiencing disproportionate levels of distress right now, and we need to be able to make decisions on how and when to provide targeted support to staff groups who are in most need. We only need you to fill in this additional information once, so when you return to complete further surveys, you won’t be asked to repeat this information.
We expect that this section on personal data will take you around five to ten minutes to complete as a one off request, but once that’s been done, the surveys themselves should only take you around five minutes to complete each week and can be done completely anonymously.
Data protection
Who is running the survey?
The survey is being run by the HR Organisational Development (OD) team in conjunction with the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) team.
Will you know who I am?
Although we will ask you to sign into the survey software using the UCL single server log in, it is not possible for our data analysts to retrieve your employee information or any other identifying data. There will also be restrictions put in place to ensure data can’t be cut in such a way that it would result in a very small number of possible staff.
Who will have access to the data?
Raw data will only be accessible to the HR OD team and the EDI team and be stored securely on UCL servers. Aggregated data will be shared with faculties and with senior professional services directors and those responsible for planning strategic UCL responses to the coronavirus pandemic.
You will never be identifiable from data. We won’t share your data with any third-party organisations.
What will you do with the data?
We’ll analyse the data to look for trends and patterns in people’s current experiences. This analysis will be passed to faculties, professional services divisions and offices of the Vice Provosts to understand the issues members of our community are facing and help to inform action. It will also form part of the weekly reporting that goes to Gold Command and will be shared with other command structure groups in order to help inform their decisions.
How long will you keep my data for?
Your anonymised data will be securely stored before being reviewed each year. If at that point, the data is no longer needed, it will be deleted.