UCL has contracted CiC, an external and independent provider of mediation services, to help staff resolve disputes or difficulties.
Workplace mediation can assist:
- parties prevent and manage interpersonal difficulties;
- enable better working relationships;
- build more successful teams; and
- maximise performance.
Given the complexities in today’s modern workplace, there are times when no matter how successful we are as a team or organisation, difficulties in communications can sometimes arise. Differing beliefs, values, goals and life experiences all have the potential to contribute to misunderstandings. While most problems can be resolved with relatively little intervention, sometimes they escalate into something which is more difficult to deal with.
Mediation is a structured process in which trained mediators facilitate a safe and respectful discussion with the parties involved and explore with them whether a resolution is possible. The process is entirely voluntary, and the parties are free to end or pause their involvement in the process at any time. The content of the mediation discussion is confidential, unless the parties give express permission to disclose this to anyone outside the process.
Most importantly, the parties themselves are responsible for the outcome of the process, and the mediator has no preconceived ideas about outcomes. The mediator will remain impartial at all times while at the same time being responsible for maintaining control of the process, and ensuring that the parties behave respectfully and appropriately throughout the process.
If you would like to find out more about the mediation process, please click on the links below, where you will find a range of leaflets and information.
If you are interested in finding out more about the service, or how to access it, please contact your HR Business Partner or line manager who can provide you with more information. Referrals are made to CiC via your HR Business Partner.