Design and deliver a stigma reducing campaign in partnership with Time to Change.
Fostering a culture where staff feel safe and can build / maintain good mental health in the workplace, access supports when needed with confidence. Providing psychologically safe working environments and empowering managers to have confident conversations around health and wellbeing. Launch UCLs Mental Health Champion community of Mental Health First Aiders and Mental Health and Wellbeing Champions to raise awareness of support accessible. With a focus on enabling conversations, managing uncertainty, work life balance in a pandemic, stress management and anxiety.
a) Sign the Time to Change pledge and share the mental health anti-stigma plan
b) Collaborate with Student Support and Wellbeing on our submission for the University Mental Health Charter in 2021. The process will enable us to identify gaps and good practice.
c) Promote the positive benefits of a conversation about mental health and wellbeing, provide opportunities for skills development and share good practice.
d) Bring the Mental Health and Wellbeing Champions and Mental Health First Aider networks into a Mental Health Champion Community (MHCC). Provide clear guidance on expectations and support available to the MHCC and socialise the community to UCL staff.
e) Design pathways to support, enabling staff to easily identify the appropriate support and how to access.
f) Establish the perceived causes of stress from a series of focus groups led by HRBPS with the aim to further develop a managing stress toolkit.
g) Tender for a new Employee Assistance Programme contract, ensuring value for money and the best service for our people across different platforms.
Measuring Success:
- Time to Change pledge signed with anti-stigma plan launched in 2020/21 academic year
- Team meetings include conversations around promoting positive mental health and wellbeing
- Gaps identified in the staff element of undertaking the University Mental Health Charter have an action plan.
- The Mental Health Champion Community launched and active
- Staff report ease of access to support
- Tender process for Employee Assistance Programme launched and awarded in 2021