IHE Summer Studentships 2024
27 February 2024
UCL Engineering and the Institute of Healthcare Engineering are offering multiple summer studentships at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, UCL/UCLH BRC, Moorfields Eye Hospital, and Great Ormond Street Hospital for UCL undergraduates.

The IHE Summer Studentship Scheme give undergraduate students an exciting opportunity to shadow clinicians and take part in a related research project at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOH), UCLH/UCLH Biomedical Research Centre, Moorfields Eye Hospital, and Great Ormond Street Hospital. The projects will be jointly supervised by a clinician and a UCL academic.
The studentship scheme is open to UCL Engineering undergraduate students in their second year and above.
Dates and duration
Studentships will run for 8 weeks from June through September with the exact dates to be agreed between supervisors and students for each project. It is expected that the internships will be taken partly or fully in person.
Students will receive a total stipend for this educational programme of £3982.20.
What will a typical project look like?
In the first 3 weeks, students will have exposure to the clinical setting and interaction with clinical teams. The remaining 5 weeks will be focused on their selected project. Ideally, the core of the project should be completed by end of week 7, using week 8 for a write-up, handover, and dissemination.
Information for clinicians and UCL staff
We are looking for proposals from clinicians and academics for projects. The scheme provides a special opportunity to the best and brightest of the UCL Engineering undergraduate community, and previous projects have had an incredible impact.
Criteria for projects:
- Must provide at least 3 weeks of clinical experience in the hospital working amongst clinical teams, ideally working with multi-disciplinary teams, with the rest of the project focussed on a research aim
Submit your proposal:
Submissions are now open. Please complete the application form by 11.59 pm Friday 22 March.
If you have any questions, please contact the team: healthcare-eng@ucl.ac.uk
Information for UCL Students
Applications are now open for students. Please submit your application by 11.59 pm Friday 12 April
Please note: some additional projects might be included up until the deadline for student submission. If you would like to wait until closer to the deadline, you can prepare a draft of your application now.
To apply for the scheme
Your CV (2-pages maximum). Check out this advice about formatting your CV from the Complete University Guide.
A cover letter (1 page maximum) and indicate your 1st and 2nd choice of projects with a justification of why you are suitable for each (200 words per project).
A statement of endorsement from your personal tutor or another UCL academic staff member who knows you personally with their contact details. This person may be contacted if there are any issues (e.g. wellbeing or engagement) during your studentship, so please make sure they are aware of this.
We are looking for applicants with a history of academic excellence, motivation, and leadership, as well as a convincing case of suitability for their chosen project.
View the latest list of projects (5 April)