UCL Global healthcare Engineering report
22 August 2019
Read our report on UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering's recent global activity, including our Global Healthcare Engineering Symposium and a visit from our Indian partners.
At UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering, global health is a core priority area. We are committed to maintaining a truly global outlook through shared learning, and we have embedded this focus within our governance structure through the creation of a dedicated Global Delivery Group.
This global approach offers exciting potential to explore how the kind of digital and engineering technologies that we are developing at UCL could be applied effectively in low-resource settings. Collaboration with our international partners is an essential part of this, allowing us to understand what the real challenges are on the ground and what is needed to make these technologies translatable and usable.
Our symposium
Collaboration and interdisciplinarity is essential to help us achieve our aim of increased global impact. There is a great wealth of global healthcare engineering research happening in pockets of excellence across UCL. We want to encourage even more connections across these areas and find ways for researchers with similar ideas or regional experiences to share their learnings.
Partnering with UCL Institute of Global Health, UCL IRDR Centre for Digital Public Health in Emergencies (dPHE) and Wellcome/EPSRC Centre for Interventional and Surgical Sciences (WEISS), we hosted the first UCL Global Healthcare Engineering Symposium on 8 July 2019.
The symposium was a way to bring together researchers in global health and healthcare technologies to share their experiences, opportunities and challenges. The day provided a springboard for our efforts to identify, support and strengthen the community at UCL around global healthcare technologies.
The day also provided an opportunity to highlight and further develop our partnership with India around affordable technologies, with a delegation from All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi and Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) visiting us.