
UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering


#InspireAnEngineer: Year of Engineering 2018

5 March 2018

UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering is joining forces with government and industry partners this year to inspire the future generation of engineers.

Year of Engineering

The nationwide Year of Engineering campaign will offer up an open, inclusive and positive experience of engineering to young people. We want to encourage those from all backgrounds to view engineering as a possible career and we want to showcase the variety and creativity of this innovative sector by challenging the stereotypes that may be holding us back. 

Across the UK the engineering workforce is 94% white and 91% male; this lack of diversity needs to be actively tackled. 

Broadening the range of people joining the profession would also help boost the economy and combat the engineering skills gap that the sector is facing, as there is currently an annual shortage of 20,000 more engineering graduates needed to meet demand.

Throughout this year, and the upcoming weeks in particular, look out for ways in which we will be getting involved to shake up perceptions of who can be a healthcare engineer and #InspireAnEngineer. This will include teaming up with British Science Week 2018 to run coding workshops and live demonstrations with local schools, and profiling some of our own pioneering female engineers to coincide with International Women’s Day.