IHE Colloquium: Playing with magnets to create materials and devices
04 June 2019, 4:00 pm–5:00 pm

Dr Ishwar Puri, McMaster University (Canada)
Event Information
Open to
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UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering
421Roberts BuildingTorrington PlaceLondonWC1E 7JEUnited Kingdom
Magnetic materials are readily manipulated through “action from a distance” by using magnetic fields, enabling on-demand control over their assemblies. Our first approach magnetizes materials by amalgamating nonmagnetic and magnetic nanoparticles. These hybrid materials are further functionalized with physical or biological materials and formulated into magnetic inks. The second approach suspends nonmagnetic particles directly within a fluid containing a dissolved paramagnetic salt. We will discuss several applications, including rapidly printed biosensors that detect biomarkers and pathogens, printed electrochemical energy storage devices, microwave wave absorbing paints, and rapid biological cell assemblies such as cancer tumour surrogates for drug discovery
About the Speaker
Dr Ishwar K Puri
Professor of Mechanical Engineering at McMaster University, Ontario, Canada
Dr Ishwar K. Puri is Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Professor at McMaster University where he mentors a research group with affiliations in mechanical engineering, materials science and engineering, engineering physics and biomedical engineering. He is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, American Society of Mechanical Engineers and American Association for the Advancement of Science.