SDGs: Pathways to Achievement
Policy Toolkit for achieving SDGs in Durban through sanitation (ToolSanDurban) - £10,000.00
Dr Priti Parikh (Bartlett School of Construction and Project Management) and Dr Pascale Hofmann (Development Planning Unit)
A Shared Agenda for the UN Sustainable Development Goals on Biodiversity and Climate Change: Opportunities, Challenges and Governance Implications - £7,797.87
Dr Tom Pegram (Political Science) and Dr Nathalie Seddon (Zoology, University of Oxford)
Guarani and Kaiowá Virtual Museum: Experimental Approaches to Collaborative Heritage - £9,867.03
Dr Ludovic Coupaye (Anthropology) and Fabiana Fernandes (Institute for the Development of Art and Culture)
The Humanities and the SDGs - £8,466.50
Prof Nicola Miller (Institute of Advance Studies) and Prof Maurice Biriotti (Arts & Humanities)
Investigating the global impact of some of the nation’s favourite foods to promote ‘SDG friendly’ consumer behaviours for individual and societal wellbeing - £8,077.88
Dr Abbie Chapman (Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research) and Dr Charlie Outhwaite (Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research)
Participatory action research art and the SDGs: connecting communities with goals - £10,232.24
Dr Joanna Morrison (Institute for Global Health) and Satish Sah (Janakpur Womens Development Centre)
The contributions of public health policies and healthcare quality to changes in life expectancy and the gender gap in life expectancy in the UK - £4,800.00
Dr Francesco Salustri (Institute for Global Health) and Dr Ali Kiadaliri (Clinical Epidemiology Unit, Lund University)
Removing Language Barriers to Empower Patients and Public Engagement in Africa: A campaign focusing on Parkinson’s Disease (PD) - £10,000.00
Dr Mie Rizig (Neuromuscular Diseases) and Omotola Thomas (Parkinson's Africa)
Supporting communities against homicides in Cali, Colombia - £7,600.00
Dr Hervé Borrion (Security and Crime Science) and Major Ervyn Norza (National Police of Colombia)
How Wellbeing is Affected by Economic/Infrastructure Development in Bhutan: Rural to Urban Migration, Intergenerational Relations, and Informal Care Networks - £9,675.31
Dr Joseph Calabrese (Anthropology) and Dr Ulrike Cokl (Bhutan Network)
How can we assess learning at scale among refugee communities? Insights from Uganda - £8,302.00
Dr Benjamin Alcott (Education, Practice and Society) and Dr Mary Goretti Nakabugo (Uwezo Uganda)
Place: Prosperity & Equality
Rationing deservingness in times of Covid-19: housing, place, and dispersal in Northern England - £5,000.00
Prof Mette Louise Berg (Social Research Institute) and Dr Eve Dickson (Social Research Institute)
Covid-19 and the Challenges for Rural Amenity Areas - £5,800.00
Dr Iqbal Hamiduddin (Bartlett School of Planning) and Prof Nick Gallent (Bartlett School of Planning)
We are not the virus—the experiences and impact of COVID on East & Southeast Asian heritage young people in London - £3,890.00
Dr Ada Mau (Education, Practice and Society) and Dr Lu Gram (Institute for Global Health)
Putting the 'local' back into planetary health: developing a ‘trans-local’ approach to strengthening community led responses to planetary health crises in the face of COVID-19 - £10,000.00
Dr Geordan Shannon (Institute for Global Health) and Prof Audrey Prost (Institute for Global Health)
Cottonopolis—Manchester's Global Threads - £7,500.00
Dr Matthew Stallard (Centre for the Study of Legacies of British Slave-Ownership) and Prof Matthew Smith (Centre for the Study of Legacies of British Slave-Ownership)
Age & Society: Life Through Generations
Ageing Playfully: Play and Games in Old Age - £7,200.00
Carrie Ryan (Anthropology) and Paul Higgs (Psychiatry)
Let's not forget those who forget! What individuals with dementia think of the design of their living environment? - £8,300.00 (jointly funded by UCL Innovation and Enterprise - total funding £14,996.00)
Evangelia Chrysikou (Bartlett Real Estate Institute) and Dorina Cadar (Behavioural Science and Health)
Primary Progressive Aphasia: a Core Outcome Set for improving intervention research - £9,000.00
Anna Volkmer (Psychology and Language Sciences) and Chris Hardy (Dementia Research Centre)
Creative health and social prescribing: Approaches to tackling inequalities - £9,000.00 | Lorna Collins (Behavioural Science and Health) and Helen Chatterjee (Genetics, Evolution & Environment)
Culture Connections: Supporting psychological wellbeing and healthy ageing through online art conversations - £9,000.00
Mine Orlu (Pharmacy) and Sebastian Crutch (Dementia Research Centre)