UCL GEF and Cities Funds 2020/21
3 November 2020
The Global Engagement Funds and Cities Partnerships Programme Funds are now open for applications

The Global Engagement Office (GEO) is delighted to launch the UCL Global Engagement Funds and Cities Partnerships Programme Funds 2020/21 to help UCL academics collaborate with colleagues around the world.
Given the ongoing uncertainty around COVID-19 restrictions, applicants to both schemes are encouraged to explore methods of remote collaboration.
Some examples of how last year's recipients of global engagement funding have been adapting their projects during COVID-19 include holding meetings and events online, employing on-the-ground researchers and, where in-person meetings are essential, reducing the number of on-site participants in research groups and introducing social distancing and strict hygiene measures.
Global Engagement Funds
The Global Engagement Funds (GEF) can support a wide variety of activities and research initiatives with global partners. Projects that received funding last year addressed housing inequality during the Ottoman Empire, mental health in adolescents in urban India and art education for refugees in Kenya, to name a few.
Between £500-£5,000 is available per project. The deadline for applications is 13 December 2020.
To find out more about the GEF and to apply, visit the GEF funding page.
Cities Partnerships Programme Funds
The Cities Partnerships Programme Funds are aimed at supporting academic activity involving one or more UCL individuals and a partner based in the city-regions of Rome, Paris and/or Stockholm.
Up to £5,000 is available for each project. In exceptional cases, applicants can bid for a higher budget if the project is likely to sow the seeds of a long-term collaboration. The deadline for applications is 13 December 2020.
To find out more about the Cities Partnerships Programme Funds and to apply, visit the Cities funding page.
If you have any queries regarding the Global Engagement Funds or Cities Partnerships Programme Funds, please get in touch by emailing vpi.global@ucl.ac.uk.
Further information:
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