This page provides essential information to support you during your Undergraduate programme.
The information is taken from the Department of Geography Undergraduate Handbook which contains the official and binding version of information for students. It is available for download from the Moodle e-Noticeboard.
- Your Degree
Module Registration on Portico
Portico enables you to register your choice of modules in accordance with the rules for your programme of study. Note: you should always check with the teaching department concerned or the online timetable to ensure that your choice of any optional/ancillary non-geography module will not clash with any of your other modules/classes.
In addition, many departments have specific procedures for approving module selections/signing students up so you should ensure that you familiarise yourself with these. The CLIE (Centre of Language &International Education), in particular, requires students to go to the Language Centre where their level of language competency will be assessed. Until the Teaching Department has agreed to your request, it is not possible for the Geography (Parent) Department to confirm your final selection.
For further guidance on using Portico, you can access the online tutorial via the main Portico portal. This includes guidelines on completing your online module registration.
Your Work, Attendance and Illness
Expeditions and Study Abroad
There are a number of opportunities for visiting foreign countries during your degree. The Geography Department offers the Mead Scholarship for undergraduates who wish to study or pursue research in northern Europe. The Eric Brown Expedition Fund is available for students wishing to organise an expedition overseas and complements the UCL Expedition Fund and the Royal Geographical Society which also support student expeditions. Details will appear on your noticeboard or by email.
The Department also participates actively in the EU-funded SOCRATES (ERASMUS) programme which provides opportunities for students to spend a term in their third year at one of several European Universities including Amsterdam, Barcelona, Bonn, Dublin, Grenoble, Lund, Madrid, Potsdam, Seville, Toulouse and Utrecht. Currently, there are also student exchanges with the National University of Singapore and the University of Western Australia (Perth). For more information contact the Affiliate Tutor.
Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) Data
Your Portico record and final transcript will reflect your involvement in any relevant extracurricular activities which can be monitored by the Geography Department or the UCL Student Union. These include service as a StAR, Transition Mentor, or UCAS Open Day Ambassador, office holding in the Geographical Society, and sessional prizes. Departmental elements of your HEAR data will be automatically updated annually by the Student Administrative Assistant. Please contact them with any questions regarding your record.
- Coursework and Examinations
Guidelines, Length and Submission
Submission via Moodle to TurnItIn
Grade Descriptors and Marking Criteria
The department has developed a clearer and enhanced grid to describe criteria and grades for the marking of all types of Geography assessed work.
Students will also see these when they access marked work through Turnitin.
- SSCC and GeogSoc
Every department at UCL has a Staff-Student Consultative Committee (SSCC). The Geography SSCC meets twice in each of terms 1 and 2. The SSCC provides a forum for discussion between staff and student representatives (StARs). It affords an important opportunity for students to give feedback on their learning experience and is central to maintaining and improving the quality of education at UCL. The Geography Department undergraduate SSCC is chaired by a year 3 student and is attended by representatives from each degree programme in each year of study. At least three to four Geography staff members attend the SSCC, including the Departmental Tutor who feeds SSCC comments to the Departmental Teaching Committee (DTC), which is scheduled to follow the SSCC. For urgent matters the Department will look to make a very quick response to the SSCC. For less urgent issues, a written response will be provided to the SSCC chair within two weeks. SSCC minutes and departmental responses are also lodged on the GEOGRAPHY UNDERGRADUATE e-NOTICEBOARD Moodle page.
Elected SSCC representatives are also nominated to be UCL Union Student Academic Representatives (StARS). Further information on StARS can be found on the UCL YouShape webpages
UCL GeogSoc
The Geographical Society (GeogSoc) is run by a committee of students from the Department and is responsible for arranging academic and social events during the year. The president, normally a second year student, will be arranging elections for first-year representatives early during the first term.
The Society’s activities include guest lectures, staff-student quizzes, Departmental teas and the Annual GeogSoc Ball. Future events are advertised on the GeogSoc notice board on the lower ground floor 26 Bedford Way and if you would like to help or make suggestions, for example, over possible guest speakers, then contact the Committee via the GeogSoc pigeon hole (located with your pigeon holes on the lower ground floor of 26 Bedford Way) and/or by e-mail.
- UCL Winners of National Undergraduate Dissertation Prizes
Various learned societies and research groups award prizes for the best undergraduate dissertations in their field. Winning one of these awards is a mark of the highest national quality. UCL Geography prize winners include: