Doing It Together Science (DITOs), co-ordinated by ExCiteS at UCL, is organizing many innovative events across Europe focusing on the active involvement of citizens in Citizen Science.
In Doing It Together Science universities and research institutions work together with science galleries, museums and art institutions to engage people with citizen science in Europe. More than 500 innovative workshops, exhibitions, and activities are organized in nine countries in Europe. With this project. the eleven European partners intend to show that citizen science is an accessible and fun way to explore the world around you.
Why Do It Together?
Citizen Science empowers citizens in exploring, measuring and experimenting with the world around them. Citizens have a major role to play in addressing the challenges to a sustainable future. It is by 'doing science together' that we combine our resources and expertise to raise awareness, build capacity, and innovative lasting solutions grounded in society.
Getting citizens involved
As a European-wide project Doing It Together Science will promote a step change in they way the public is engaged with science and innovation. We will move from a model in which scientific research, innovation, and problem-solving is mainly driven by scientific institutions to one that is based on active public participation in the scientific process. The Doing It Together Science activities will move beyond more traditional approaches of engagement (e.g. hearings, public meetings or non-interactive exhibits) into a direct engagement that builds upon hands-on Do-It-Yourself (DIY), grassroots, and frugal innovation initiatives. This will be done in a way that enables people from all walks of life to contribute at a level of participation that is interesting to them and also suits their lifestyle; whether that is engaging in face-to-face community meetings, working in a citizen bio lab or using a crowdsourcing app to log air quality to address local issues.
All our activities are focused on two themes: Biodesign (the use of living things such as bacteria or plants in designing products or art) and Environmental sustainability. Not only do we want to engage citizens but also but also policy-makers, local decision-makers and funders. With this Doing It Together Science aims to build institutional and policy foundations for a deep public engagement in science and technology in Europe.
Who is DITOs?
A pan-European network (European Citizen Science Association), SMEs (Tekiu; eutema), universities (UCL; Universite Paris Descartes; University of Geneva), science galleries, museums and arts organisations (Kapelica Gallery / Kersnikova; Medialab-Prado; Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences) and NGOs (Meritum Association; Waag Society). These organisations cross multiple countries and languages, enabling coverage of much of Europe in its native languages. This eleven-partner project is coordinated by the UCL Extreme Citizen Science group.
Who can join?
You – because everyone can bring something to the table. Are you a concerned resident, a person wishing to connect with others on local or regional issues, a student, an entrepreneur, a pensioner, an educator, a carer, a curious person, a tinkerer, an arts- science- or technology enthusiast, an employee in any industry or sector, a public official, a funder, a passerby, an observer looking for opportunities? Then, hop on and join in the various activities we will have and develop together.
What activities?
In DITOs we would like you to join events and activities that match your needs, interests, time available, and skills. This is why we will be organising a range of activities in the broad categories of interactive and travelling exhibitions, online activities, debates, round tables, seminars, pub nights, film nights and DIY/DIT workshops. Check out our upcoming events here. At each of these, there will be opportunities to engage and engage further. We will also be providing support for existing organisations to develop over time (and as we learn together) guidelines to share the ingredients of successful projects: lessons learnt, know-hows, ideas, prototypes, and tips.