


About Us

Information about the Finance division teams.

Our Objectives

The plan for Finance is rooted in the need to support delivery of UCL 2034 and has three key objectives. These are to:

  1. Provide financial resources to support the delivery of academic aims (2034 KE: Financing Our Ambitions)
  2. Enable institutional priorities through the provision of appropriate financial support (2034 KE: Excellent Systems)
  3. Support the development of finance capacity and capability, in a diverse and highly performing team where staff have the opportunity for career development and feel valued (2034 KE: Valuing Our Staff)
UCL's Financial Strategy

UCL Strategic Plan 2022-27 also identified clearly defining our Financial Strategy as one of our key enabling priorities.

View the executive summary for our latest UCL's Financial Strategy underpinning UCL Strategic Plan 2022-27. 

Previous to this, we worked with the Transforming Our Professional Services (TOPS) team and colleagues across UCL on the Finance Transformer Project to co-design the future of finance services.

UCL's Annual Report and Accounts

To learn more about our finances please read UCL's Annual Report and Financial Statements.

Finance Directorate and Senior Team

Charu Gorasia is the Chief Financial Officer of the Finance division and is a member of the Professional Services Leadership Team. She is responsible for the management of UCL's financial performance and strategy and for the provision of services and advice.

She leads the Finance Senior Team, comprising Directors from Finance Business Partnering, Financial Services, and Financial Planning & Analysis.

Staff contact details

Finance Division

Related teams (formerly part of Finance)

Finance's Commitment to Race Equity

The Finance division is committed to the following Race Equity pledges:

  1. Shortlists must have BAME candidate(s), particularly where participation is especially low and at more senior roles.*
  2. Every BAME applicant that satisfies the essential criteria in a role specification is guaranteed to move to the next stage of the selection process. *
  3. Every Grade 10 member of Finance will mentor a BAME member of Finance staff.
  4. Finance commits to supporting the Inclusive Advocacy programme and to ensuring it becomes a standard feature of leadership roles in the division.
  5. All organisational development programmes to have an agreed proportion (TBA but at least equivalent to the proportion of BAME staff in the division) of BAME staff attending.
  6. Regular publication of data by organisational unit showing ethnicity mix at different grades, and a move to benchmarking and tracking trends over time.

*This is currently only possible for internal applications.
For applications made via UCL's Online Recruitment System (ROME), all information that identifies ethnicity is hidden from those involved in the recruitment process. 


Finance's Commitment to Sustainability

Finance has given a commitment to pursuing ways of working in a more sustainable way and limiting the damage to our environment. The division has a representative team of Green Champions, and the Senior Team is fully committed to making positive progress.

Our sustainability team, aptly named, "Green Counts", signs up to the Green Impact project every year. To date, we have earned the following awards:

  • Silver in 2013-14
  • Platinum in 2016-17
  • Excellence in 2017-18
  • Gold* in 2018-19 
  • Gold* in 2019-20
  • Gold* in 2020-21

*(the portoflio was altered in 2018-19 in order to make it more straightforward; this involved removing the Platinum and Exellence levels, making Gold the highest achieveable award)

Our team meets regularly to discuss sustainability issues in our division, and come up with fun ways of involving everybody in green initiatives.


Key contacts

MyServices is a new UCL platform that will improve staff experience of finding, requesting and interacting with services - replacing the RemedyForce platform and the use of emails associated to it. Find out which Finance services are available on MyServices from 16 July 24, and refer to the list below.

Available on MyServices from 16 July 2024:

Use email addresses: