Question time: Your student experience at UCL
25 October 2023, 3:30 pm–5:00 pm

Join us on 25 October for a live Q&A with UCL and the Students' Union.
Event Information
Open to
- UCL staff | UCL students
- Yes
UCL Events
Hong Kong Alumni RoomBentham HouseEndsleigh GardensLondonWC1H 0EG
Book your place
About the event:
Do you have a burning question to ask our Provost, Senior Leaders or the Students’ Union? Now is your chance to be a part of the conversation. Join a live Q&A where these panellists will answer your questions, set out UCL priorities for the year and listen to how UCL can best support you.
UCL is the Sunday Times University of the Year 2023. We want everyone to have a world-leading experience during your time here.
Do you have ideas on how UCL can improve your student experience? How can we make sure UCL works well for everyone in our community? Are there opportunities you would like to be given at UCL that you have not seen yet? Does UCL give you the facilities and spaces you need to succeed?
Join us in-person or online at this meeting – open to all UCL students – and ask any questions on your mind.
At the event you’ll hear how UCL and the Students’ Union are working together to enhance your student experience. Then you’ll have the opportunity to have your say, tell us about your experience and ask questions to any of the panellists.
This is a hybrid event and our panellists will be taking questions from students both in person and online.
Register to attend in person or online here. The link to join the event on Zoom will be shared directly with everyone who has registered to attend in good time before the event.
All questions will be submitted via Slido. Please use the event code #UCLqt
Please make sure you register using your UCL email address. For any queries about the event please contact us on
Issy Smith, Postgraduate Officer, Students’ Union UCL
Dr Michael Spence AC, UCL’s President & Provost
Ahmad Ismail, Equity and Inclusion Officer, Students’ Union UCL
Chilima Sianyeuka, Head of Student Support and Wellbeing (Disability, Mental Health and Wellbeing), UCL
Dr Kathryn Woods, Pro-Vice-Provost Education (Student Academic Engagement), UCL
What’s next?
We run these Q&A sessions each term because we value your thoughts and opinions and will use this to shape the future of UCL. Next term, our event will focus on UCL values, our intercultural work and equity, diversity and inclusion.
There will be step free access into the event space
If you have any particular access needs please do contact us on so that we can assist. This is a hybrid event taking place on zoom and in the Hong Kong room at Bentham House. Please note that captioning will be available on zoom. The event will also be recorded and made available afterwards with captioning included.