VIRTUAL EVENT: The Story of Two Covid 19 Trials at the Comprehensive Clinical Trials Unit
02 February 2021, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

In this lunch hour lecture two Covid 19 trials will be discussed from a design and statistical perspective.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
Sanaa Al-Busaidy
About the lecture:
There are three main areas of clinical trials in covid-19: prophylaxis (i.e. prevention), early-treatment (when patients are not in hospital) and late-treatment (when patients are in hospital/ICU). From a public health perspective, prophylaxis and early-treatment trials are as important, if not more important, than late-treatment trials. Preventing infections, avoiding the disease and/or treating early successfully lead to better outcomes for the overall population. At the Comprehensive Clinical Trials Unit, we are currently running a large international prophylaxis trial (CROWN CORONATION) and a national early-treatment trial (FLARE). In this lunch hour lecture these two trials will be discussed, from a design and statistical perspective.
About the Speaker
Dr Hakim-Moulay Dehbi
Head of Statistics at Comprehensive Clinical Trials Unit, UCL
Dr Hakim-Moulay Dehbi is head of statistics at the Comprehensive Clinical Trials Unit at UCL. His main methodological interest is the design of early phase clinical trials. From an applied viewpoint, Hakim's experience is mostly in oncology and cardiovascular trials. He obtained is PhD in biostatistics from Imperial College London in 2016 and has been working at UCL since then.