CANCELLED: Gaysocs: a brief and incomplete history
27 February 2020, 1:00 pm–2:00 pm

This lecture has been postponed and will take place on another date TBC.
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Yes
- Free
Emma Hart
Darwin Lecture Theatre (entrance via Malet Place)Darwin BuildingGower StLondonWC1E 6BTUnited Kingdom
This lecture has been postponed and will take place on another date TBC.
About the lecture:
UCL's first gaysoc was established in March 1972 by Jamie Gardiner, a PhD student in the Department of Mathematics. We believe this was the first gaysoc affiliated to the student union founded in a UK university. Some academics raised strong opposition to the newly founded student society, but UCL’s liberal values prevailed. Gardiner’s determination paved the way to the establishment of other gaysocs across UK universities. This story is very much part of the history of LGBTQ+ rights in the UK with UCL playing a pioneering role. The Department of Mathematics is proud to be part of this history.
About the Speaker
Luciano Rila
Mathematics Education Coordinator at UCL
Dr Luciano Rila is the Mathematics Education Coordinator in the Department of Mathematics. He is passionate about promoting mathematics to young people through his extensive outreach work. He has been involved with Out@UCL, UCL’s, LGBTQ+ staff network at UCL, since its inception in 2009.