The evidence on grouping by attainment: supporting more equitable practice in schools
05 March 2019, 5:30 pm–6:45 pm
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- All | UCL staff | UCL students | UCL alumni
- Yes
- Free
Kate Thomas
Chadwick Court15 HatfieldsLondonSE1 8DJ
Speaker information
Christine Gilbert, Education Adviser and Visiting Professor, UCL Institute of Education
Professor Becky Francis, Project Director and IOE Director, UCL Institute of Education
Professor Jeremy Hodgen, Chair of Mathematics Education, UCL Institute of Education
Setting and streaming - or 'tracking', as grouping by attainment is known in the US - has long been a point of controversy in schooling.
Longstanding research has suggested it has little impact overall, but disadvantages pupils placed in low groups. This is an issue for social justice, given that pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds, and from particular ethnic groups, are over-represented in low attainment groups. But why, then, do the practices remain so prevalent?
This event will report key findings from the 'Best Practice in Grouping Students Project'. We’ll hear responses to our research from key education voices and share plans for a new study which will add further to our understanding of the impact of different grouping strategies on secondary school students' outcomes and experiences.
The ‘Better grouping pledge’ will also be launched, which asks schools to commit to reflect on and adapt their grouping practices for greater fairness.