European Voices
30 October 2019
Funding of up to £10,000 is now available from UCL Grand Challenges for innovative, cross-disciplinary activities addressing the theme of European Voices.

Call for Expressions of Interest: European Voices
Deadline: Midnight Monday 25th November 2019
UCL's Grand Challenge of Cultural Understanding invites researchers to apply for funding under the 2019/20 special initiative - European Voices.
Funding is available of up to £10,000 to support one or more major cross-disciplinary activities that could be taken forward by applicants.
To be considered for funding, researchers are asked to submit an expression of interest to attend a mini-sandpit on the theme. The sandpit will be held at UCL on Wednesday 4th December, 14:00-16:00.
Further information and full guidance is available: Application Guidance.
Project ideas can include research or policy workshops, symposia or conferences; reports; preparatory or exploratory research materials towards larger grant applications; public and community engagement activities; or research-led performance/public art-based outputs, including plays and documentary films. We encourage interaction with community groups, artists or arts organisations, and with UCL Culture.
At the sandpit, participants will share their research ideas relating to the topic, and collaborate with other participants to inform their future proposal.
How to Apply
- In order to be eligible for funding, please submit an Expression of Interest (EoI) using the online form.
- If your EoI is selected, you must attend the mini-sandpit in order to be eligible for funding.
- You may send a representative of your project, if necessary, but their details should be clearly stated on the online form.
Submit your Expression of Interest
Application queries
- If you have any questions regarding the initiative, submission guidelines, or attendance at the sandpit please contact Siobhan Morris.