Brexit and the Re-Making of British Foreign Policy
13 December 2017

The fifth in a series of UCL European Institute working papers aimed at critically analysing the political and legal landscape after the EU referendum. Authored by Nicholas Wright, this paper analyses the impact of Brexit on, as well as the potential way forward for, British foreign policy.
Dr Nicholas Wright is Teaching Fellow in EU Politics in the UCL Department of Political Science.
With Brexit entailing the UK's departure from a major component of this system, a number of important questions will be addressed in this paper, including:
- What challenges will Brexit pose to British foreign policy-makers and institutions?
- What will be the future of UK-EU relations in the context of foreign, security and defence policy?
- What will Brexit mean for how the UK engages with the wider world, and particularly the wider multilateral system?
- And how can the UK government mitigate the risk of Brexit resulting in a significant loss of international influence, reducing the UK's ability to defend, promote and pursue its interests globally?