Consultation Workshop (June): Policy engagement by area experts
08 June 2023, 1:00 pm–3:00 pm

UCL staff are invited to join a consultation workshop to share experiences of area expert-led policy engagement, and inform priorities for enhanced support. This workshop will run on 8 June 2023.
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- UCL staff
- Yes
- Free
Lucy Shackleton
IAS Common GroundUCL Wilkins Building, South WingGower StreetLondonWC1E 6BT
UCL Public Policy is funding a Policy Commission to help improve the policy engagement capacity of those with country and regional expertise at UCL. The Commission will conduct an internal consultation process that will allow UCL staff to help shape the future of support for this type of engagement.
As part of the consultation process, two workshops are being held to gather views from colleagues across UCL who are engaged in, or have an interest in, area expert-led policy engagement. The workshops aim to generate ideas that represent diverse perspectives from across the institution regarding how policy engagement by area experts might be more effectively coordinated and supported in the future.
The first workshop will be held on 31 May 2023. For those who can't make it, a second workshop will be held on 8 June 2023.
This workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to:
- Meet other colleagues with area expertise and interests
- Share views on current approaches to policy engagement by area experts at UCL, including perceived challenges and opportunities
- Suggest how UCL could help strengthen the capacity of colleagues to inform policymakers nationally, regionally, globally
- Network with colleagues from across UCL over lunch
The aim of the workshop is to generate ideas that represent diverse perspectives from across the institution regarding how policy engagement by area experts might be more effectively coordinated and supported in the future.
A summary of the discussions will be circulated to colleagues after the event – and key findings will feed into a final Commission Report.
Agenda for 8 June 2023
- 13:00-13:30: Networking lunch
- 13:30-15:00: Consultation workshop
Who can attend?
The workshop is primarily intended for area experts with an interest in policy engagement. However, we are also interested in wider perspectives on this topic. This event is, therefore, open to academic and professional services staff at UCL. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
More information is available on the Commission’s webpage – and you can get in touch by email You can also get involved by completing the short survey below.