
UCL European Institute


What Europe Means to Me

24 March 2016, 12:00 am


Event Information

Open to


24 March 2016, 6.00-8.00pm
On 24 March we are launching our #MyEuropeMeans campaign in partnership with MyLifeMySay, the UK's influential youth engagement organisation. With this campaign we want to provide a counterweight to mere cost-benefit calculations in the debate on EU membership. Europe, and the UK's membership in the EU, is about more than just politics. It's about who we are, and who we want to be, as individuals and as peoples.

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24 March 2016, 6.00-8.00pm

Ev Restaurant
97-99 Isabella Street
The Arches
London SE1 8DD


This campaign is about getting people, and in particular young people who may not otherwise get involved in the debate on Britain's EU membership, to think about what Europe is to them.

It is about our everyday lives, about ideas, food, art, culture, about human encounters.

Send us your picture or story, via email or twitter - whether you're in favour of leaving the EU, staying in, or don't know. What's the best thing about Europe for you? The worst? Do you have a favourite place? A song or book that changed how you feel about Europe? Is there one person, one taste, smell, sound, or object that sums up Europe for you?

Submissions will be reviewed to make sure they're not offensive or abusive - but we are not taking sides!

If you would like more information about the campaign, please:

 This event forms part of our portfolio of activities co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.