EVENT CANCELLED: "The Powers of the EU"
19 November 2014, 12:00 am
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19 November 2014
Piet Eeckhout, Professor of EU Law was to give a talk with the UCLU European Society. This has had to be cancelled: apologies for any inconveniences caused.
When: 19 November 2014 4-5:30pm |
Where: Medawar G02 Watson LT How to get there |
UCL's European Society will host Piet Eeckhout, Professor of EU Law at the UCL Faculty of Laws and a leading authority in the field. Prof. Eeckhout will give a talk entitled: "The Powers of the EU: Myths and Realities."
The growing and ever more intrusive powers of the EU are a constant refrain in political discourse, not only in Britain. In his talk, Piet Eeckhout will examine what is myth and what is reality, and will discuss the mechanisms contributing to expanding EU powers, and the constraints on such expansion.
Piet Eeckhout is Professor of EU Law at UCL. He is a leading authority in EU law and international economic law and the author of EU External Relations Law (2nd ed, Oxford University Press 2011), the leading text in this area. Before joining UCL in 2012 he worked at the Universities of Ghent and Brussels (VUB) and at King's College London, where he directed the Centre of European Law between 1998 and 2012. He co-edits the Yearbook of European Law and the Oxford EU Law Library (both Oxford University Press) and is an associate academic member of Matrix Chambers, London.