UCLU German Summit 2015
12 February 2015, 12:00 am
Event Information
Open to
- All
12 February 2015
To celebrate the anniversary of German's reunification, the 2015 UCLU German summit focuses on "Germany's role in Europe 25 years after reunification"
When: 12 February 2015 10:30am-8pm |
Where: Gustave Tuck LT Quadrangle Marquee Japanese Roof Garden Marquee |
The UCLU German Summit is an annual conference organised by the UCLU German Society. To celebrate the anniversary of German unification, this year's summit is on "Germany's role in Europe 25 years after reunification"
Uta Staiger
Steffen Kampeter MdB
Germany's Role in Europe 25 Years After Reunification
Discussion Panel
Why I prefer Bloomsbury to Berlin
Ilija Trojanow
Requiem for the Future
Musical Theatre Society
20mins extract from 2015 Spring Awakening production
Walter Straten
A contemporary Witness of the German Reunification
Followed by wine reception and networking event
- Visit UCLU's German Society Page for more information about this event
- Tickets are £5 and can be purchased online. Tickets include access to all talks, as well as lunch (German Sausages), cake and food/wine in the evening.