Vijay Rangarajan: The EU's role in the world
06 February 2014, 12:00 am
Event Information
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6 February 2014
Vijay Rangarajan is currently Europe Director in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
When: |
Where: AV Hill Lecture Theatre Medical Sciences Building Malet Place WC1E 6BT |
UCL Department of Political Science Event
Vijay has worked on European issues since 1996 in London and Brussels, involved in IGCs, European defence, trade policy, justice and home affairs, as Antici, and on a range of institutional issues. His other experience includes work in private offices, as Deputy head of mission and then Chargé in Mexico, concentrating on G8 themes. From 2009-11 he was Constitution Director in MOJ and then Cabinet Office, leading on a range of changes from the Cabinet manual to the Fixed term parliaments Act, and was SRO for the UK Supreme Court, and IPSA. From 2011-13 he was Multilateral Policy Director in the FCO, responsible for the UK's policy in organisations including the Security Council, other UN bodies, the Council of Europe (leading work on the Brighton Declaration), as well as human rights and conflict prevention.