UCL Symposium 'European Raw Materials Initiative: responding to key legal and policy challenges'
20 June 2013, 12:00 am
Event Information
Open to
- All
June 2013
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In 2008 the European Commission launched the "Raw Materials Initiative" (RMI). Its aim was to establish an integrated strategy to respond to the challenges of sustainable access to and supply of raw materials, both outside and within the EU.
This symposium is an important opportunity to bring together key experts from academia, EU institutions, private sector, government departments, and non-governmental organisations to discuss the main developments and challenges in this field.
The symposium will take the form of panel discussions and we will be approaching panellists from all of the above mentioned fields. We are pleased to announce that we already have confirmation from Mr Mattia Pellegrini, Head of Unit, Raw Materials, European Commission.
The Symposium will be an important opportunity to bring together experts from academia, EU institutions, private sectors and NGO community to discuss the main developments at EU level in this field, with a view to highlighting the key legal and policy challenges associated with its implementation, addressing gaps, and provide a valuable contribution to the design of improved legal and policy responses and of innovative research.
- Dr. Chiara Armeni: Deputy Director Carbon Capture Legal Programme; UCL Laws
- Professor Paul Ekins: Director of the Institute for Sustainable Resources (ISR)
View the project summary