
UCL European Institute


Transport for regional development

25 May 2011, 12:00 am

Event Information

Open to


25 May 2011

One-day Conference

Using innovative transport technologies to stimulate regional development

25 May 2011

British Library Conference Centre
96 Euston Road


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This conference forms part of SINTROPHER, a major EU-funded project to enhance local and regional transport provision to, from and within five peripheral regions in North-West Europe. UCL is the Lead Partner, and the project is being led by Prof Sir Peter Hall in the Bartlett School of Planning.

Sustainable, cost-effective solutions to improve accessibility to, from and within peripheral regions in North-West Europe

Improved transport links are essential to underpin jobs and growth in a competitive EU and global environment, and help those economies coming out of recession. This is reflected in the EU's 2020 Strategy, the European Commission's review of Trans-European Networks, and a new transport White Paper. Bringing together experts in public transport, economics and EU policy, the conference looks at how innovative transport technologies can enhance regional connectivity; the barriers and opportunities across the EU; and making things happen - in particular financing of investments and capturing development benefits. Speakers include: Prof Sir Peter Hall (UCL), Dr Michele Dix (TfL), Marjeta Jager (European Commission), Dr Pierre Laconte (former Director, UITP).

Find out more and register online at www.sintropherconference.eu, or download the flyer.