Rethinking Modern Europe Series
12 February 2011–09 March 2011, 12:00 am–12:00 am
Event Information
Open to
- All
Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 6BT
12 Jan, 26 Jan, 9 Feb, 23 Feb, 9 March 2011
This seminar series, run by the Institute of Historical Research series with conveners from UCL and several other London universities, focuses in 2010-11 on Displacement.
Forthcoming Events:
12 January 2011
Jessica Reinisch (Birkbeck), 'Displacement and European Reconstruction'
Chair: Alex Drace-Francis
26 January 2011
Daniel Beer (Royal Holloway), 'Personal Freedom in the House of the Dead: Exile to Siberia 1870 -1900'
Chair: Stephen Lovell
9 February 2011
Maurizio Isabella (Queen Mary), 'Diasporas and circulation of ideas in the era of the liberal revolutions'
Chair: Axel Körner
23 February 2011
David Feldman (Birkbeck), 'Migrants, Immigrants and Welfare in Modern Britain'
Chair: Helen Jones
9 March 2011
Richard Clogg (Oxford), 'Defining the Diaspora: The Case of the Greeks'
(This seminar will be held at Goldsmiths College)
Chair: Dejan Djokic
All meetings take place on Wednesdays at 5:30 in the Germany Room unless otherwise stated. The Institute is located in Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1E 6BT. Nearest tube stations are Russell Sq, Euston and Euston Sq. For directions go to
Dejan Djokić (Goldsmiths), Alex Drace-Francis (Liverpool), Christian Goeschel (Birkbeck), Helen Jones (Goldsmiths), Axel Körner (UCL), Stephen Lovell (KCL), Lucy Riall (BBK), Mary Vincent (Sheffield).