
UCL European Institute


Video: Europe & the Holocaust: Shifts in Public Debates in Poland, Germany and the UK

20 May 2012–18 December 2012, 10:00 am–12:00 pm

Event Information

Open to


November 2012

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Filmed lecture of the presentations and discussion investigating shifts in the role of the Holocaust in European public debates in the recent past. Contrasting developments in Poland, Germany, and Great Britain, they  identified common threads as well as differences in perceiving, presenting, memorizing the mass murder of European Jewries.

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Prof David Cesarani - Europe and the Holocaust: Shifts in Public Debates in Poland, Germany and the United Kingdom from UCL European Institute on Vimeo.

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Dr Jacek Leociak - Europe and the Holocaust: Shifts in Public Debates in Poland, Germany and the United Kingdom from UCL European Institute on Vimeo.