
Office of the President and Provost (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion)


UCL Disability Equality Steering Group (DESG)

Information on the aims of the Disability Equality Steering Group

Terms of Reference

Aims of the Group

  1. To raise awareness of disability issues at UCL including environmental, behavioural and institutional barriers experienced by Disabled People with a range of physical, cognitive and mental health conditions and impairments. 
  1. To represent the views of Disabled Staff and staff who are closely associated with Disabled People, and act as a body of expertise on disability issues at UCL. 
  1. To advise management on how to promote a culture which includes Disabled People and celebrates diversity and acceptance. 
  1. To deepen the knowledge of disability equality and inclusion issues experienced by UCL staff, encouraging understanding of the many facets of disability equality and inclusion. 
  1. To take proactive measures to challenge and redress historic patterns of inequality faced by Disabled People with multiple protected characteristics e.g. LGBTQ+ Disabled people, older Disabled People, race etc. 
  1. To provide opportunities for social and professional networking among group members 
  1. To identify positive environmental, behavioural and institutional good practice to be shared, preserved, celebrated and amplified. 
  1. To work with senior leadership in developing a suitable and accessible monitoring and evaluation framework for the university’s plans and strategies related to disability equality at UCL.  

The Group will achieve these aims by:

  1. Involvement and consultation on the university’s plans, strategies, policies and guidance, insofar as they impact upon Disabled People 
  2. Acting as a channel for communication with senior management on disability issues 
  3. Analysing staff and student disability data with a view to addressing identified areas of concern  
  4. Assisting in the coordination of events and activities which celebrate, raise awareness on disability and enables acceptance of disability diversity at UCL 
  5. Supporting and monitoring the implementation of the Equalities and Diversity Strategy and Action Plan 
  6. Facilitating information transparency and sharing between members 
  7. By collaboration with the wider, online network open to all staff (Enable@UCL) as well as other equality steering groups and networks. 

Useful Links

Disability Equality at UCL
Accessibility at UCL