II diabetes increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Evidence suggests
that psychosocial stress is involved in both conditions but the biological
pathways involved are poorly understood. This PhD investigated the role of
psychosocial wellbeing and stress-related biological processes in diabetes.
Studies 1 and 2 used acute laboratory stress testing to assess biological
stress responses in people with diabetes. Studies 3 and 4 used data from a
large population dataset to assess associations between cortisol and
diabetes. Study 1 tested the notion that people with diabetes experience
stress-related disturbances across multiple biological systems, coupled with
heightened life stress. A comparison of laboratory stress responses in people
with diabetes and matched controls was conducted. The results suggested that
people with diabetes have dysregulated biological responses to stress and
increased exposure to life stress. Study 2 assessed whether hostility (a
psychosocial factor) exaggerated the pattern of disturbances in stress
responsivity seen in Study 1, looking at the diabetes group alone. The
findings suggest that high hostile individuals with diabetes have heightened
inflammatory stress responses and blunted cortisol stress responses in
comparison to low hostile individuals. Studies 3 and 4 assessed
neuroendocrine disturbances in diabetes using Whitehall II study data. Study
3 assessed whether daily cortisol output differs between people with and
without diabetes cross-sectionally. The findings suggested that people with
diabetes have a flatter slope in cortisol output combined with heightened
evening cortisol concentrations. 4 Following on from this Study 4 used a
prospective approach to assess whether components of daily cortisol output
are linked to future diabetes in an initially healthy sample. The results
suggested that raised evening cortisol levels are predictive of new onset
diabetes over a 9 year follow-up period. In combination, these studies
contribute to the literature linked diabetes with poor psychosocial wellbeing
and stress-related alterations in biological processes.