
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


BRHS 30 year follow up physical examination 2010-2012 (Q30)

At this study time point, 1722 BRHS cohort participants underwent a physical examination and 2137 completed a postal questionnaire.

Data are available for:

  • Questionnaire
  • Physical examination measurements
  • ECG data
  • Blood biomarkers
  • Vascular measures
  • Dental examination data
  • Cognition Test Your Memory (TYM)
  • Derived variables
  • Participant profile data
  • Air pollution

Physical examination protocol

The physical examination protocol document describes the study objectives, design, methods and procedures, assessment types,  organisation of the field study, including specific details on how the research data collection and schedules were conducted during the 30 year follow-up physical examination.

Data documentation and data dictionaries

Description of the data available, data collection methods and methods for derivation of variables are found in the data documentation files for the different data sets- see table below. Data dictionaries include listing all the available variables, BRHS variable names, units/category labels, value ranges, number with data and number with missing data as well as a reference to methods sections described in the data documentation file.


    BRHS 2010-12 (Q30) 30 year follow-up - Physical exam measurements

    File BRHS 2010-12 (Q30) 30 year follow-up Physical exam measurements data dictionary
    BRHS 2010-12 (Q30) 30 year follow-up - ECGFile BRHS 2010-12 (Q30) 30 year follow-up - ECG data dictionary
    BRHS 2010-12 (Q30) 30 year follow-up - Blood biomarkersFile BRHS 2010-12 (Q30) 30 year follow-up - Blood biomarkers data dictionary
    BRHS 2010-12 (Q30) 30 year follow-up - Vascular measuresFile BRHS 2010-12 (Q30) 30 year follow-up - Vascular measures data dictionary
    BRHS 2010-12 (Q30) 30 year follow-up - Dental examFile BRHS 2010-12 (Q30) 30 year follow-up - Dental exam data dictionary
    BRHS 2010-12 (Q30) 30 year follow-up - TYM Cognitive AssessmentFile BRHS 2010-12 (Q30) 30 year follow-up - TYM Cognitive Assessment data dictionary
    BRHS 2010-12 (Q30) 30 year follow-up - Derived adjusted variablesFile BRHS 2010-12 (Q30) 30 year follow-up - Derived adjusted variables data dictionary
    BRHS 2010-12 (Q30) 30 year follow-up - Participant profileFile BRHS 2010-12 (Q30) 30 year follow-up - Participant profile data dictionary
    BRHS 2010-12 (Q30) 30 year follow-up - Air pollution

    File BRHS 2010-12 (Q30) 30 year follow-up - Air pollution data dictionary