
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care



Journal papers

Anciaes, P., Jones, P., Mindell, J., Scholes, S. (2022) The cost of the wider impacts of road traffic on local communities: 1.6% of Great Britain's GDP. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 163, 266-28. Link

Higgsmith, M., Stockton, J., Scholes, S., Mindell, J S. (2022) Does community severance affect health? A novel attempt to quantify community severance and assess its impact on self-rated health of adults in Great Britain. Journal of Transport and Health. 22: 101162. Link

Anciaes, P., Stockton, J., Ortegon, A., Scholes, S. (2019) Perceptions of road traffic conditions along with their reported impacts on walking are associated with wellbeing. Travel Behaviour and Society, 15, 88-101. Link

Anciaes, P R., Jones, P., Metcalfe, P J. (2018) A stated preference model to value reductions in community severance caused by roads. Transport Policy, 64, 10-19. Link

Anciaes, P R., Jones, P. (2018) Estimating preferences for different types of pedestrian crossing facilities. Transportation Research F: Psychology and Behavior,  52, 222-237. Link

Dhanani, A., Tarkhanyan, L., Vaughan, L. (2017) Estimating pedestrian demand for active transport evaluation and planning. Transportation Research A, 103, 54-69. Link

Mindell, J S., Anciaes, P R., Dhanani, A., Stockton, J., Jones, P., Haklay, M., Groce, N., Scholes, S., Vaughan, L. (2017) Using triangulation to assess a suite of tools to measure community severance. Journal of Transport Geography, 60, 119-129. Link

Anciaes, P R., Jones, P. (2016) The effectiveness of changes in street layout and design for reducing barriers to walking. Transportation Research Record 2586, 39-47. Link

Anciaes, P R., Boniface, S., Dhanani, A., Mindell, J S., Groce, N. (2016) Urban transport and community severance: linking research and policy to link people and places. Journal of Transport and Health 3(3), 268-277. Link

Anciaes, P R., Jones, P., Mindell, J S. (2016) Community severance: where is it found and at what cost? Transport Reviews 36(3), 293-317. Link

Papers from follow-up projects

Anciaes, P., Jones, P. (2020) A comprehensive approach for the appraisal of the barrier effect of roads on pedestrians. Transportation Research A: Policy and Practice. 134, 277-250. Link

Paper from a follow-up project funded by Highways England

Book chapters

Vaughan, L., Anciaes, P., Mindell, J. (2020). Cars, conflict and community severance., in B. Appleyard (Ed.) Livable Streets 2.0. Elsevier, Ch.9. Link

Mindell, J., Anciaes, P. (2020). Transport and community severance., in M. Nieuwenhuijsen and H. Khreis (Eds.) Advances in Transportation and Health - Tools, Technonologies, Policies, and Developments. Elsevier, Ch.7, 175-196. Link

Working papers

Working Paper 01

Anciaes, P R., Boniface, S., Dhanani, A., Groce, N. (2014) Initiating dialogue between stakeholders and establishing a common language for community severance through cross-disciplinary workshops [pdf]

Output of a series of workshops attended by the project members and practitioners in fields related to community severance

Working Paper 02

Anciaes, P R., Jones, P., Mindell, J S. (2014) Quantifying community severance - A literature review [pdf]

A review of the methods to identify and measure community severance

Working Paper 03

Anciaes, P R., Jones, P., Mindell, J S. (2014) The value of the barrier effect of roads and railways - A literature review [pdf]

A review of the methods to estimate the economic value of community severance

Working Paper 04

Anciaes, P R. (2015) What do we mean by "community severance"? [pdf]

Review of 60 definitions of community severance and proposal for a new definition

Working Paper 05

Scholes, S., Boniface, S., Stockton, J., Mindell, J. (2016) Developing a questionnaire to assess community severance, walkability, and wellbeing: results from the Street Mobility Project in London [pdf]

Methods to develop an health and well-being survey to measure community severance and results from the survey in the two London case studies

Working Paper 06

Cleary, J. (2016) Review of non-academic literature and resources relating to community severance

Working Paper 07
Anciaes, P R., Jones, P. (2016) Pedestrians avoid busy roads: evidence from video surveys and bus stop data [pdf]

Analysis of the relationships between motorised traffic levels and pedestrian flows in the street network in the Woodberry Down case study area

Working Paper 08

Anciaes, P R., Jones, P. (2016) How do pedestrians balance safety, walking time, and the utility of crossing the road? A stated preference study [pdf]

Results of a stated preference survey in two of our case study areas: Finchley Road and Southend

Working Paper 09

Anciaes, P R., Jones, P. (2016) Pedestrians' preferences regarding signalised crossings, footbridges, and underpasses [pdf]

Further results of a stated preference survey in two of our case study areas: Finchley Road and Southend

Conference papers

Universities' Transport Study Group 53rdh Annual Conference, Online, 5-6 July 2021

Higgsmith, M., Stockton, J., Anciaes, P., Scholes, S. & Mindell, J. (2021) Quantifying community severance and assessing its impact on self-rated health in Great Britain.

Paper not available

15th Annual Transport Practitioners' Meeting, Nottingham, 28-29 June 2017

Anciaes, P R, Jones, P. (2017) A tool to value reductions in community severance caused by roads.

Paper [pdf]

Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, 8-12 January 2017

1. Mindell, J S., Anciaes, P R, Dhanani, A., Stockton, J., Jones, P., Haklay, M., Groce, N., Vaughan, L. (2017) Developing a suite of tools to measure community severance.

Paper not available

Poster [pdf]

2. Anciaes, P R., Jones, P., Mindell, J S. (2017) Quantifying the barrier effect of main roads on pedestrian preferences and behavior.

Paper [pdf]

Presentation [pdf]

World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, 10-15 July 2016

Anciaes, P.R., Jones, P., Orr, S., Sheldon, R., Lawrence,A., Metcalfe, P J. (2016) A stated preference model to value reductions in community severance.

Paper available soon

Presentation [pdf]

Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, 10-14 January 2016

1. Anciaes, P R., Jones, P. (2016) The effectiveness of changes in street layout and design for reducing barriers to walking.

Paper [pdf]

Poster [pdf]

2. Boniface, S., Scholes, S., Stockton, J., Mindell, J.S. (2016) Developing a questionnaire to assess community severance, walkability, and wellbeing: results from the Street Mobility Project pilot study in London.

Paper [pdf]

Universities' Transport Study Group 48th Annual Conference, Bristol, 6-8 January 2016

1. Anciaes, P R., Jones, P. (2016) Estimating preferences for pedestrian crossing facilities.

Paper [pdf]

Presentation [pdf]

2. Dhanani, A., Vaughan, V. (2016) Developing a walkability potentials model of London: Methods to create flexible tools to assess active travel potential

Paper [pdf]

3. Stockton, J C., Scholes, S. Mindell, J S. (2016) Are perceptions of traffic volume and speed within the neighbourhood associated with levels of local social contact?

Paper not available

European Transport Conference 2015, Frankfurt, 28-30 September 2015

Anciaes, P R., Jones, P. (2016) The influence of motorised traffic on pedestrian flows - new insights using bus stop data.

Paper [Association for European Transport website]
Presentation [pdf]

Conference presentations

Society for Social Medicine & Population Health Annual Meeting 2021, Online, 15-17 September 2021

Community severance and health – a novel approach to measuring community severance and examining its impact on the health of adults in Great Britain.

Presentation not available

6th International Conference on Transport and Health, Barcelona, Online, 14-30 June 2021

Does community severance affect health? A novel attempt to quantify community severance and assess its impact on self-rated health of adults in Great Britain.

Presentation not available

14th International Conference on Urban Health, Coimbra, Portugal, 26-29 September 2017

Living close to busy roads reduces wellbeing

Presentation [pdf]

3rd International Conference on Transport and Health, Barcelona, 28-29 June 2017

Development of a Toolkit to Measure and Value Community Severance Due to Traffic

Presentation not available

UK Faculty of Public Health Annual Conference 2017, Telford, 20-21 June 2017

Development of a toolkit to measure and value local impacts of community severance due to heavy or fast traffic

Presentation not available

Active Living Research Annual Conference, Clearwater Beach, Florida, 26 February-1 March 2017

1. Community severance: the effects of busy roads on local communities and residents (Workshop)

2. Walking for transport in the neighbourhood is associated with greater accessibility but worse pedestrian experience

3. Development of a suite of tools to assess the effects of busy roads on local residents

Presentation [pdf]

Abstract [pdf]

4. Identification of priorities and assessment of solutions to reduce the impact of traffic barriers on pedestrian accessibility in a medium-sized city.

Poster [pdf]

Sustainable Transport and Health Summit, Bristol, 23-24 February 2017

Developing tools to measure and overcome community severance

Presentation [ppt]

Populations and Lifelong Health Domain Symposium, London, 17 January 2017

Community severance: Do busier roads lead to lower wellbeing?

Poster [pdf]

Universities' Transport Study Group 49th Annual Conference, Dublin, 4-6 January 2017

Irregular pedestrian crossing behaviour on a busy road in London: where, who, when, and how.

Presentation [pdf]

Walk 21 - Walking Puts People First, Hong Kong, 3-7 October 2016

Walking on the streets of London: a modelling tool for evaluating and planning for active travel

Presentation not available

Society for Social medicine 60th Annual Scientific Meeting, York, 14-16 September 2016

Close residential proximity to busy roads may deter local walking among adults

Poster [pdf]

2nd International Conference on Transport and Health, San Jose, 13-15 June 2015

1. Environmental injustice: Neighbourhood traffic hits sicker harder.

Abstract [Journal of Transport and Health website]

2. The wider costs of roads on health and wellbeing.

Poster [pdf].

Abstract [Journal of Transport and Health]

NECTAR meeting on the wider economic and social impacts of transport networks (Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research, Cluster 1: Networks), Molde, 19-20 May 2016

Valuing the impacts of road traffic on local communities.

Presentation [pdf]

14th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED 2015), Lisbon, 28-31 July 2015

1. Defining and measuring the impact of community severance on local accessibility.

Presentation [pdf]

2. Developing tools to identify and overcome barriers to walking among older people.

Presentation [pdf].

1st International Conference on Transport and Health, London, 6-8 Jul 2015

1. How do pedestrians react to busy roads? Findings from video surveys.

Presentation [pdf]

Abstract [Journal of Transport and Health website]

2. Is community severance a public health problem? Evidence from the Street Mobility project's two London case studies.

Abstract [Journal of Transport and Health website]

International Making Cities Liveable Conference, Bristol, 29 Jun-3 Jul 2015

Integrating community engagement and wayfinding principles in to the development of a walkability index for London

Presentation not available

Public Health England Annual Conference 2014, Coventry, 16-17 September 2014

Introducing Street Mobility: a cross-disciplinary project developing tools to measure community severance and overcome barriers to walking among older people

Presentation not available

Other talks

Presentation at Pollard Thomas Edwards Architects, London, 30 August 2018

Street Mobility: Tools to understand the barrier effect of roads on pedestrians

Presentation not available

Meeting of the Transport Economists Group, London, 27 June 2018

The valuation of community severance caused by busy roads

Presentation not available

Future of London 2018 conference, London, 21 June 2018

Tools and data for understanding barriers: Economic valuation

Presentation not available

Overcoming Barriers - London Borough of Hounslow. Future London Leaders Round 18, London, 26 February 2018

Restoring street connectivity across the Great West Road in Hounslow, London

Presentation [pdf]

Negative Effects of Good Connections - A Seminar on the Barrier Effect of Roads (Ramboll/Chalmers University of Technology event), Gothenburg, Sweden, 29 May 2017

Street Mobility: Tools to understand the barrier effect of roads on pedestrians

Presentation not available

Urban Design London event: Link up streets, routes and neighbourhoods, London, 1 March 2017

The effects of busy roads on community severance

Presentation [pdf]


Community severance glossary [pdf]

A list of terms used by different academic disciplines as well as relevant institutions and policy instruments.