Research interests:
- The study of nutrition and food for the prevention of disease
- Food security and sustainable food systems
- Nutritional behavior
- Obesity, satiety and wellbeing
- Nutritional education
- Nutrition and food policy
- Geographic information systems and the food environment
Current research:
Geospatial analysis of the food environment and risk of obesity in developing countries.
- PhD Student, Epidemiology and Public Health, UCL
- Lecturer, Nutritional Science, University of Sonora, 2011-2014
- Master's degree in Nutritional Science, Food Research and Development Center (CIAD). Thesis: Dietary patterns and breast cancer risk in Sonoran women.
- Bachelor's degree in Chemical-Biology, major in Food Technology, University of Sonora. Thesis: In vitro evaluation of the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory activity in commercial fermented milks.
- Student exchange program in Rehabilitation Counseling, San Diego State University, Term paper: Diet for the x-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) patient.
- 1st place for best research work in health with the Miró Abella Award from the Public Health Department of the State Government of Sonora.
- National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) Scholarship for graduate studies 2009-2012
- National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) Scholarship for graduate studies 2014-1017