Cervical screening uptake has been falling in women aged 50-64 years in recent years. In the context of the planned change from primary cytology screening to primary HPV testing, this project aims to explore more acceptable ways of collecting samples for HPV testing in this age-group. Previous research has shown that speculum examinations are more uncomfortable for post-menopausal women, so the study will explore non-speculum alternatives, including both self-sampling and clinician sampling without a speculum.
The project has been active since January 2017 and is funded by Cancer Research UK as a 3 year project grant awarded to Dr Anita Lim at Queen Mary University of London. One work-package, exploring women's and health professionals' attitudes, is led by the Cancer Screening research group at UCL.
Principal investigator: Dr Jo Waller
Contact: Dr Laura Marlow (l.marlow[at]ucl.ac.uk)
Collaborators: Dr Anita Lim and Prof Peter Sasieni, QMUL