
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


The Lung Screen Uptake Trial (LSUT)

Developing and testing targeted invitation materials to increase uptake of lung cancer screening in communities at high risk of lung cancer

Trials indicate that low radiation dose computed tomography (LDCT) scans offer a promising screening technique for improving lung cancer survival, but strategies are needed to achieve adequate uptake among high risk groups, minimise inequalities in uptake, and support informed decision-making.   

This project comprises a series of studies to design, evaluate and test screening invitation materials for socioeconomically-deprived and heavy-smoking target populations.  The overall goal is to secure the best yield for any future investment in lung screening by increasing informed uptake in high-risk individuals.   

This project (Oct 2013-Sept 2017) is a multidisciplinary collaboration, led by the Department of BSH and the Lungs for Living Research Centre.  It is funded by a NAEDI/Cancer Research UK project grant awarded to Professor Jane Wardle.

Principal Investigator: Dr Jo Waller

Chief Investigator: Professor Sam Janes, Lungs for Living Research Centre

Contacts: Dr Mamta Ruparel (m.ruparel[at]ucl.ac.uk); Dr Samantha Quaife (samantha.quaife[at]ucl.ac.uk).


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