Success for the PCPH educational group at the SAPC regional conference
28 March 2017
Two members of the Primary Care and Population Health educational group (Institute of Epidemiology and Health Care) were awarded prizes at the recent SAPC (Society of Academic Primary Care) regional conference held at the University of Cambridge this January.
Dr John Barber, an academic clinical GP fellow won the SAPC novice presenter prize for his work supervised by Dr Sophie Park on "Facilitators and barriers to teaching undergraduate medical students in primary care: The GPs' perspective", a national study collaborating with 4 other UK centres.
Pooja Shah won the medical student prize for her a presentation based on her iBSc dissertation supervised by Dr Tamar Koch. Her project was "Something would just have to be sacrificed, either food or contraception" Contraception in homeless women in central London: a qualitative study".