
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


COVID-19 and Oral Health Online Survey

The impact of COVID-19 on oral health and use of dental services

covid-19 and oral health

The UCL Dental Public Health Group are conducting research into the oral health experiences of adults during the COVID-19 pandemic and in particular their use of dental services in the first UK national COVID-19 lockdown. Significant disruption occurred to the provision of dental services in March 2020, with routine care replaced by emergency-only care for more than two months.

This national study aims to explore the oral health experiences of people during this period of restricted dental care provision and the following months, via an anonymous online survey. Questions will explore access to emergency care, oral health-related behaviours, oral health prevention and opinions on future dental treatment provision.

The results will contribute to our understanding of the overall effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on oral health in the UK and the possible implications for oral health inequalities.

To find out more information and take part, please visit: https://redcap.slms.ucl.ac.uk/surveys/?s=AEE49YL88F