FRACAS is a fragility curve generator, based on the modified capacity spectrum method first developed by Rossetto & Elnashai (2005). FRACAS allows more sophisticated capacity curve idealizations, the use of various hysteretic models for the SDoF in the inelastic demand calculation, and the construction of fragility functions through several fitting techniques. The proposed approach is highly efficient and allows for fragility curves to be derived from the analysis of a specific structure or a population of frames subjected to a number of earthquake records with distinct characteristics. The method is able to account for the effect of variability in seismic input and structural characteristics on the damage statistics simulated for the building class, and evaluate the uncertainty in the fragility prediction.
© EPICentre 2017 T. Rossetto, P. Gehl, S. Minas, P. Duffour, J. Douglas, C. Galasso & A. Nassirpour
Minimum System Requirements:
Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD Athlon® 64 processor (2 GHz or faster) Microsoft® Windows® 7 with Service Pack 1 Microsoft® Office® 2007 1 GB of RAM 2.5 GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required for analysis results Internet Connectivity for Installation Process
Possible ErrorsError Line 23: Usually related to the idealization of the pushover curve and particularly the choice of Ultimate Point Option (UPO).
An error occurs If the ultimate point is defined to be outside the given pushover curve.
For example, in case of option 3 “20% drop” option for UPO choice if there is no softening branch (or softening less than 20%) then the idealisation is not possible.
Solution: Choose option 2 “last point” for UPO.Error Line 21: FRACAS cannot read the excel file or some of the text file inputs are wrong (PushOver file, first line should be non-zero).
Solution: Check if there is any problem with estimation of last point (try last point of PushOver curve, which should always work)Error Line 12: You do not have full control in the FRACAS folder (i.e. the user is not allowed to do any changes to the existing or add new files in the FRACAS folder).
Solution: Ensure that user has full control as administrator and rerun FRACAS.WARNING: Sometimes FRACAS fails to read PushOver text file because it might be saved with wrong encoding. PushOver file columns must be separated with tab (not space), otherwise the code is unable to read it properly. An easy way to overcome this problem is to copy the text file to an excel sheet and remove all empty cells, making each column corresponds to one parameter (e.g. 1st column: Base Shear, 2nd column: Top displacement etc.)
Click here to Download FRACAS (32-bit)
Note: FRACAS is not a commercial software and it may have small bugs that will be fixed in future updates.
Watch and Learn:
YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://youtu.be/2zQN13X33V8
The FaMIVE Procedure is a macro-element modelling approach which allows to assess the seismic vulnerability of large population of historic masonry structures, producing capacity curves (D’Ayala, 2005) and fragility functions (D’Ayala, 2013), based on ultimate lateral strength capacity and elastic and ultimate displacement. The FaMIVE Procedure is one of the very few available analytical methods that comprehensively accounts for all possible in plane (IP), out-of-plane (OOP), and combined (COM) failure mechanisms.
From its first edition in 2003 (D’Ayala, D., Speranza, E., 2003) the FaMIVE Procedure has been widely applied across the globe to several case studies (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Slovenia, Algiers, Iran, Jordan, Nepal, The Philippines, Chile) each application contributing to the addition of new parameters that affect masonry buildings vulnerability or resilience. The method has the flexibility to modify the computing routines to include specific characteristics of the building stock considered which affect the mechanisms that might develop, allowing the procedure to be flexible and to accommodate the needs of the case study investigated.
To date, there are two different versions of the Procedure available for use, namely the FaMIVE_Res, specifically developed to assess the seismic vulnerability of residential building stocks, and the FaMIVE_Heritage, which instead focused on churches, convents, towers, and historic large houses. For the former, FaMIVE_Res, below you can download FaMIVE Shell, an interface that allows you to prepare the data for each facade, check it and save it in a text file or Excel file. A full set of data of several facades can be prepared and then sent to us. We will run FaMIVE for you and return the results.
To read more on the latest application of the FaMIVE Procedure, please refer to Putrino, V., & D’Ayala, D, 2019; Putrino, V., & D'ayala, D., 2019b; and, Guardiola et al. 2023.
To request full access to the FaMIVE procedure to conduct seismic fragility and vulnerability assessment of masonry structures please contact us at CEGE.Famive@ucl.ac.uk
© EPICentre 2024 D. D’Ayala
Click here to download FaMIVE Shell
Watch and Learn:
YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aketwBIUqY4
- Statistical codes for fragility
This function implements the Bayesian emulation-based approach (BEA) to compute the probabilistic seismic response of buildings.
The BEA process is described in detail in the following document: Minas, S., Chandler, R.E., and Rossetto, T. (2018). "BEA: An efficient Bayesian emulation-based approach for probabilistic seismic response." Structural Safety.
Created by Stylianos Minas and Richard E. Chandler, 1/6/2017