Journal Paper
Aktas, Y. D., Ioannou, I., ..., D'Ayala, D. et al. (Under Review) Surface and passive/active air mould testing in a North London housing estate. Indoor Air.
Aktas, Y. D., D'Ayala, D. Blades, N., Calnan, C. (2017) An assessment of moisture induced damage in Blickling Hall in Norfolk, via environmental monitoring. Heritage Science, doi: 10.1186/s40494-017-0119-4.
Aktas, Y.D., D Ayala, D., Erkal, A., Stephenson, V. (2015) Environmental performance assessment using monitoring and DVS testing. ICE Engineering History and Heritage (Special Issue on the vulnerability of heritage buildings to the impact of climate), 168, 3-16, doi: 10.1680/ehah.14.00016.
Charvet, I., Eames, I., Rossetto, T. (2013) New tsunami runup relationships based on long wave experiments. Ocean Modelling, 69, 79-92.
D'Ayala, D., & Aktas, Y. D. (2016) Moisture dynamics in the masonry fabric of historic buildings subjected to wind-driven rain and flooding. Building and Environment, 104, 208-220.
De Luca F., Woods G., Galasso C., D'Ayala D. (under review) RC infilled building performance against the evidence of the 2016 EEFIT Central Italy post-earthquake reconnaissance mission: empirical fragilities and comparison with the FAST method, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering.
Ioannou I, Chandler R.E., Rossetto T. (Under Review) Empirical fragility curves: How significant is the uncertainty in the ground motion intensity? Soil Dyn and Earthquake Engineering.
Joffe, H., Perez-Fuentes, G., Potts, H. W. W., Rossetto, T. (Under Review) Changing disaster preparedness: What works?. American Psychologist.
Joffe, H., Rossetto, T., Bradley, C., O'Connor, C. (2017) Stigma in science: the case of earthquake prediction. Disasters, doi:10.1111/disa.12237.
Joffe, H., Perez-Fuentes, G., Potts, H. W. W., Rossetto, T. (2016) How to increase earthquake and home fire preparedness: the fix-it intervention. Natural Hazards, 84(3), 1943-65.
Joffe, H., Rossetto, T., Solberg, C., O'Connor, C. (2013) Social representations of earthquakes: A study of people living in three highly seismic areas. Earthquake Spectra, 29 (2), 367-397. Winner of 2013 Lloyds Science of Risk Prize.
Macabuag, J., Rossetto, T.,Ioannou, I., Eames, I. (Accepted) Investigation of the effect of debris-induced damage for constructing tsunami fragility curves for buildings. Geosciences.
Macabuag, J., Rossetto, T., ..Eames, I., Koshimura, S. (2016) A proposed methodology for deriving tsunami fragility functions for buildings using optimum intensity measures. Natural Hazards, 84 (2), 1257-1285.
Minas, S., Chandler, R.E. Rossetto, T. (Under Review) An efficient Bayesian emulation-based approach for probabilistic seismic response. Structural Safety.
Parkin, S.J., ... Aktas, Y.D., D'Ayala, D., Erkal, A. (2015) Climate threats to the earth-built heritage of Scotland. ICE Engineering History and Heritage (Special Issue on the vulnerability of heritage buildings to the impact of climate), 168, 17-30, doi:10.1680/ehah.14.00017.
Pohoryles, D., Melo, J., Rossetto, T., D'Ayala, D., Varum, H. (Under Review) Experimental comparison of CFRP retrofit and repair schemes for realistic full-scale RC beam-column joints. Journal of Composites for Construction.
Rossetto, T., Macabuag, J., Petrone, C., Eames, I. (Under Review) The role of ductility in the assessment of structures impacted by tsunami. Earthquake Spectra.
Rossetto, T., D'Ayala, D., … Kontoe, S., (2014) The value of multiple earthquake missions: the EEFIT L'Aquila Earthquake experience. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 12(1), pp.277-305.
Rossetto, T., Gehl, P., .. Galasso, C et al. (2016) FRACAS: A capacity spectrum approach for seismic fragility assessment including record-to-record variability. Eng.g Struct. 125, 337-348.
Solberg, C., Rossetto, T., Joffe, H. (2010) The social psychology of seismic hazard adjustment: re-evaluating the international literature. Nat. Haz.and Earth System Sciences, 10 (8), 1663-1677.
Verrucci, E., Perez-Fuentes, G., Rossetto, T., Bisby, L., .. Joffe, H. (2016) Digital engagement methods for earthquake and fire preparedness: a review. Natural Hazards, 83 (3). 1583-1604.
Yepes-Estrada, C., Silva, V., Rossetto, T., D'Ayala, D….. (2016) The Global Earthquake Model Physical Vulnerability Database. Earthquake Spectra, 32 (4), 2567-2585.
Books, Reports and Chapters
Aktas, Y. D., ..., D'Ayala, D. (2018) Indoor Mould Testing and Benchmarking. Working Paper to be issued by UKCMB.
D'Ayala D., Galasso C., Minas S., Novelli V. (2015) Review of methods to assess the seismic vulnerability of buildings, with particular reference to hospitals and medical facilities, Evidence on Demand, UK, doi: 10.12774/eod_hd.june2015.dayaladetal.
D'Ayala, D., Galasso, C., Minas, S., & Novelli, V. (2015) Review of retrofitting methods to reduce seismic vulnerability of buildings, with particular reference to hospitals and medical facilities, Evidence on Demand, UK. doi:10.12774/eod_hdr.june2015.ddayalaetal1.
D'Ayala, D., Galasso, C., Minas, S., & Novelli, V. (2015) Review of the non-structural considerations for seismically retrofitting hospitals, impact on hospital functionality, and hospital selection, Evidence on Demand, UK. doi:10.12774/eod_hd.june2015.ddayalaetal2.
D'Ayala, D., Meslem A., … T. Rossetto, et al. (2014) Guidelines for Analytical Vulnerability Assessment of low/mid-rise Buildings: Methodology. Vulnerability Global Component Project: 4.
Joffe, H., Rossetto, T., Adams, J. (Eds.). (2013) Cities at Risk: Living with Perils in the 21st Century, Springer.
Rossetto, T., D'Ayala, D., et al., (2014) Evaluation of existing fragility curves. In SYNER-G: Typology definition and fragility functions for elements at seismic risk (pp. 47-93). Springer.
Rossetto, T., Petrone, C., Eames, I., De La Barra, C., Foster, A., Macabuag, J. (in Press) Advances in the assessment of buildings subjected to earthquakes and tsunami. In Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering in Europe: 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering. Springer.
Twigg, J, ... Rossetto, T., D'Ayala, D., Sargeant, S.. (2017). Self-recover - Promoting Safer Building. Working Paper issued by ODI.
Conference Proceedings
Albuerne, A., D'Ayala, D., Rossetto, T. (2018) Increasing seismic safety of new low-cost masonry housing in Nepal: Fragility and vulnerability of rebuilt rural Nepal, In: 16ECEE, 18-21, June, 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece (forthcoming).
D'Ayala, D., Alexander, D., … Galasso, C., et al. (2017) Earthquake Engineering Field Investigation Team (UK) - Data and Discussion on the 2016 Central Italy Mission, In: 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. January. 2017, Chile.
D'Ayala, D., Galasso, C., Putrino, V., et al., (2016) Assessment of the Multi-Hazard Vulnerability of Priority Cultural Heritage Structures in the Philippines. In: ICONHIC Conference, June 2016,Crete.
D'Ayala, D., Galasso, C., Putrino, V., et al., (2016). Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Priority Cultural Heritage Structures in the Philippines. In: 6th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (6ACEE), Cebu, Philippines
D'Ayala, D., Copeland, P., Aktas, Y. D., et al., (2013) The Parnassus Project: Archaeology and Engineering Collaboration for 3D data Collection and Analysis. In: Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Perth, WA.
Foster, A.S.J., Rossetto, T., Eames, I., Petrone, C., McGovern, D. (2016) Tsunami Actions on Buildings and their Effects. In: 1st International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure (ICONHIC), Rhodes, Greece.
Ioannou, I., Chandler, R., Rossetto, T. (2018) Empirical Seismic Fragility Curves: The effect of uncertainty in the ground motion intensity. In: 16ECEE, 18-21, June, 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece (forthcoming).
Joffe, H., Perez-Fuentes, G., Rossetto, T., Doğulu, C., Gül, E. (2017) Fix-it: A cross-cultural intervention study on earthquake and fire preparedness in communities. In: 19th Round Table Meeting of Disaster Management Implementation and Research Center, Ankara, Turkey.
Meslem, A., D'Ayala, D., Ioannou, I., Rossetto, T., Lang, D. (2014) Uncertainty and Quality rating in Analytical Vulnerability Assessment. In: Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul, Turkey.
Minas, S., Galasso, C., Rossetto, T. (2018) Sensitivity of probabilistic regional seismic loss assessment of RC buildings to hazard and vulnerability modelling options, In: 16ECEE, 18-21, June, 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece (forthcoming).
Minas, S., Chandler, R.E. Rossetto, T. (2016) New emulation-based approach for probabilistic seismic demand. In: 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. January. 2017, Chile.
Minas, S., Galasso, C., Rossetto, T. (2015) Spectral Shape Proxies and Simplified Fragility Analysis of Mid- Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings. In: ICASP12, April 2015, Canada. Winner of Best Student Paper.
Minas, S., Galasso, C., & Rossetto, T. (2015) Assessing spectral shape-based intensity measures for simplified fragility analysis of mid-rise reinforced concrete buildings. In: SECED 2015: Earthquake Risk and Engineering towards a Resilient World, Cambridge, UK, June 2015.
Minas, S., Galasso, C., Rossetto, T. (2014) Preliminary investigation on selecting optimal intensity measures for simplified fragility analysis of mid-rise RC buildings. In: 2nd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Istanbul, Turkey.
Nassirpour, A., Galasso, C., D'Ayala, D. (2018) Multi-Hazard Vulnerability Assessment of School Infrastructure, In: 16ECEE, 18-21, June, 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece (forthcoming).
Nassirpour, A., Galasso, C., D'Ayala, D. (2018) Increasing Seismic Resilience of School Infrastructure through Seismic Retrofitting: the case of Cagayan de Oro, Philippines, In: 16ECEE, 18-21, June, 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece (forthcoming).
Nassirpour, A., Galasso, C., D'Ayala, D. (2017) Multi-Hazard Vulnerability Assessment of School Infrastructure - the case of Cagayan de Oro, Philippines, In: 3rd International Conference on Urban Sustainability and Resilience (USAR), London, UK.
Perez-Fuentes, G., Molina Hutt, C., Rossetto, T., Joffe, H. (2017) Are residents of Seattle ready for 'the Big One? An intervention study to change earthquake preparedness, In: 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. January. 2017, Chile.
Petrone, C., Rossetto, T., Goda, K., Eames, I. (2017) Tsunami analysis of structures: comparison among different approaches. In: 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. January. 2017, Chile.
Petrone, C., Rossetto, T., Goda, K., Eames, I. (2016) Tsunami fragility curves of a RC structure through different analytical methods. In: 1st International Conference on Natural Hazards and Infrastructure: Protection, Design, Rehabilitation, Chania, Crete.
Pohoryles, D.A., Rossetto, T., Melo, J., Varum, H., D'Ayala, D., (2016) A combined FRP and selective weakening retrofit for realistic pre-1970's RC structures. In: ICONHIC2016. June. 2016, Crete. Winner of Best Student Paper.
Pohoryles, D.A., Miranda, M., Rossetto, T., Varum, H., D.Ayala, D (2017) A realistic full CFRP retrofit of RC beam-column joints compared to seismically designed specimen, In: 16th World Conference on Earthquake Eng. Jan.2017, Chile.
Porter KA, ... Rossetto T, …, D Ayala D, et al. (2012) Global Vulnerability Estimation Methods for the Global Earthquake Model, In: 15 WCEE, Lisbon, Portugal.
Rossetto, T., Eames, I., Lloyd, T.O. (2015) Advances in evaluating tsunami forces on coastal structures. In: SECED 2015: Earthquake Risk and Engineering towards a Resilient World, Cambridge, UK, June 2015, Keynote.
Rossetto, T., Joffe, H. (2015) Exploring Seismic Risk. In: The Circle of European Communicators Conference 2015: Cause and Effect, Copenhagen, Denmark, Keynote.
Rossetto, T., Joffe, H., Solberg, C. (2009) A different view on human vulnerability to earthquakes: Lessons learned from risk perception studies, In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Disaster Casualties, Cambridge, UK.
Solberg, C., Joffe, H., & Rossetto, T. (2008) How People Behave in Anticipation of and During Earthquakes: A Review of the Social Science Literature on What Drives this Behaviour. In: 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China.
Stephenson, V., Aktas, Y.D., D'Ayala, D. (2016). Assessment of flood and wind driven rain impact on mechanical properties of historic brick masonry. In: International RILEM Conference on Materials, Systems and Structures in Civil Engineering MSSCE 2016, Lyngby, Denmark.
Zhou, L., Galasso, C., D'Ayala, D. (2018) Development of Fragility Functions for Reinforced Concrete Buildings in Sichuan, China, In: 16ECEE, 18-21, June, 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece (forthcoming).
Zhou, L., Yan, S., Xue, Z., Wang, Y., Galasso, C., D'Ayala, D. (2018) CROSSH - China Resilience of Schools to Seismic Hazard: a case study in Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County, Sichuan, In: 16ECEE, 18-21, June, 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece (forthcoming).
Zhou, L., Galasso, C., D'Ayala, D. (2017). Toward a Vulnerability Model for Sichuan, China: RC Index Buildings Definition and Capacity Curves, In: 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engg. Jan.2017, Chile.