This project is part of Challenging RISK aiming to produce new knowledge on the performance of existing reinforced concrete (RC) structures subjected to earthquake and fire hazards (both individually and in sequence) in order to develop an integrated framework for performance-based assessment and structural mitigation.
The specific aim of this part of the project is to determine a practical
retrofit strategy using carbon fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets for
realistic full-scale pre-1970's beam-column joints to achieve an adequate
seismic behaviour with respect to modern guidelines.
In particular, this works looks:
1. to design and model three FRP retrofit and repair schemes with different
strengthening aims for realistic full-scale beam-column joints with slabs and
transverse beams, in accordance with recent FRP guidelines and outcomes of a
detailed literature review;
2. to assess the influence of slab and transverse beams on the effectiveness of
a retrofit scheme, both numerically and experimentally;
3. to test the effectiveness of the three FRP retrofit schemes in order to
identify an optimal FRP retrofit design for realistic structures;
4. to develop a methodology for the retrofit to be potentially implemented in
future applications.
The achievement of these objectives will contribute to the drafting of future
guidelines, by enabling parametric studies calibrated on the high quality
empirical data gathered from this study.
Funding: EPSRC reference: EP/K022377/1 (£1,633,787)
Partners: University of Edinburgh (UK), University of Porto (Portugal)
Epicentre Staff Involved: Tiziana Rossetto, Dina D'Ayala, Jose Melo, Daniel Pohoryles