Name Annibale Vecere |
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Area of research/Academic Interests
After having graduated in Civil Engineering (BSc) with a major in Structural Engineering (MSc) in 2009, Annibale started working as a structural engineering consultant for the University of Padova, Italy, and later joined NET Engineering S.p.A., with the role of Structural Engineer, where he dedicated himself to infrastructure design and learnt the fundamentals of offshore wind turbine structures preliminary design.
In 2013, he joined the Risk and Emergency Management MSc Programme at the School for Advanced Studies (IUSS), in Pavia, Italy, where he specialized in the assessment, mitigation and management of extreme events. In this context, he served an internship at the Global Risk Forum (GRFDavos) working on the assessment and modelling of post-disaster shelter need for his MWSc thesis project. This study was then published in the International Journal for Disaster Risk Reduction in 2016.
He's currently enrolled in the XXXI cycle (started in September 2015) of the Understanding and Managing Extremes (UME) Doctoral Programme - REM (Risk and Emergency Management) curriculum - at the IUSS.
His research focuses on the development of a near real-time loss estimation model for floods, based on a combination of different types of triggers, such as satellite precipitation estimates (e.g. CMORPH, GPM, etc.), weather data, and satellite images (and/or passive microwave measurements) to properly identify disaster events and rapidly produce an associated loss index to be used for payout computation in the context of parametric insurance programmes.
From February 2018, Annibale is a visiting PhD student at UCL, working with Dr Carmine Galasso and his research group, to further develop his research on near real-time flood loss modelling.