Webinar - Earthquake Performance of School Buildings in Indonesia
26 May 2023
In this webinar organized by the UNESCO Chair in DRR&RE at UCL, the presenters will discuss the performance, damage, lessons learnt and resilience of school buildings in different seismic events/regions of Indonesia.

According to the Indonesian national standards, school buildings are considered to have high priority factors. Therefore, it requires an adequate design. Typical school buildings in Indonesia were constructed using confined masonry structures for single-story buildings and reinforced concrete structures for multi-story buildings. Confined masonry buildings are widely distributed throughout the country and are considered to have a lower risk of earthquake damage. However, in some earthquake events in Indonesia, e.g. the Pidie Jaya earthquake in 2016, Lombok earthquakes in 2018, and the Cianjur earthquake in 2022, some of this type of buildings experienced an extensive damage. The performance of school buildings in these earthquake events will be discussed in this short webinar to understand the typical damages and the level of resilience of school buildings in Indonesia.
Presenters’ biography
Yunita Idris, PhD
TDMRC, Syiah Kuala University

Dr. Yunita Idris is senior lecturer in Civil Engineering Department of Syiah Kuala University and also the Coordinator Cluster of Disaster Resilient Infrastructures in Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center (TDMRC) Syiah Kuala University. She involved in several post earthquake buildings damage surveys in Indonesia.
Ella Meilianda, PhD
TDMRC, Syiah Kuala University

Dr. Ella Meilianda is the senior lecturer in Civil Engineering Department of Syiah Kuala University and also the Coordinator Research Cluster of Disaster Management in Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center (TDMRC) Syiah Kuala University. She had lead several researches related to the recovery and rehabilitation post disasters in Indonesia.
Adrian Ulza, MSc
TDMRC, Syiah Kuala University

Mr. Adrian Ulza is a structural Engineer and the member of the Disaster Resilient Infrastructures research cluster at TDMRC USK. He actively involved in the vulnerability of municipals buildings including schools buildings in Indonesia.