The Democratisation of Cat Models
3 November 2022

Catastrophe models have been useful tools in the in/reinsurance industry for over 30 years and applying what has been learnt here to other sectors, is more important now than ever before. The democratisation of cat models and risk assessment in this world of changing climate and social inflation is vital for governments and organisations to better understand the risk posed to their communities and businesses.
Oasis Loss Modelling Framework Ltd is a not-for-profit, open-source cat modelling platform that reduces the barriers for third-party providers to make their models and data available to the community while promoting transparency, innovation, and choice in this space. Oasis has a vibrant community of members and partners and thrives on collaboration with those in the commercial, academic, and public sectors.
This webinar will cover the following topics:
- The basics of cat models and how they are built
- The outputs of cat models and their application
- The role of standards
- The goals of the Insurance Development Forum (IDF) and links with Oasis
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About the Speakers
Matt Donovan

Matt is the programme manager at Oasis LMF after spending the last 14 years in various analytical and managerial roles in cat modelling and exposure management. Previous roles were held at RMS, Willis Re, AIG and five years as an exposure manager at a Lloyd’s of London syndicate. Matt has an MSc in Natural Hazards from the University of Bristol.
Joshua Macabuag CEng MICE

Josh is a Chartered Civil Engineer with over 14 years’ experience in disaster risk-related fields, spanning: structural engineering for natural disasters, catastrophe risk modelling for emerging economies and renewable energy, and engineering for Urban Search & Rescue (USAR). Josh completed his EngD under Prof Tiziana Rossetto, EPICentre UCL, and is Past Chair of the Earthquake Engineering Field Investigation Team (EEFIT) of the Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE). And as an engineer for the UK Urban Search & Rescue (USAR) NGO SARAID since 2012, Josh has conducted and coordinated USAR deployments and building safety assessments in the Nepal Earthquake (2015), Hurricane Irma (2017), Albania’s Earthquakes (Sept–Nov 2019), Beirut’s port explosion (2020), and Haiti Earthquake (2021). He has also worked in catastrophe risk modelling for the (re)insurance sector and with the World Bank, now focusing on catastrophe modelling for emerging economies and renewable energy.