Joined research activities on seismic risk prevention
30 May 2018
The Earthquake Engineering with Disaster Management (EEDM) MSc programme and the Earthquake and People Interaction Centre (EPICentre) at the University College London (UCL) are conducting a reconnaissance field trip in Italy from the 4th to the 8th of June 2018.

The team will study the impacts of the 2016-2017 Central Italy Earthquakes and will also visit the areas affected by the 2009 L'Aquila Earthquake. The reconnaissance trip will visits the cities of Camerino, Norcia, Amatrice and L'Aquila and will be focused on six main themes:
1. Seismic performance observation of new and existing structures (masonry, reinforced concrete and steel, residential and industrial); 2. Non-destructive tests on diagnostics of existing buildings; 3. Detailed and systematic damage data collection for the development of fragility and vulnerability models for the building typologies damaged by the 2016-2017 Central Italy Earthquakes; 4. Seismic performance of schools and cultural heritage structures and their impacts on community resilience; 5. Emergency response and disaster management; 6. Experience and perspectives of people, local communities, and organizations involved in the 2016-2017 Central Italy Earthquakes.
The reconnaissance trip is coordinated by Dr Fabio Freddi, Valentina Putrino and Dr. Marco Baiguera.
During the first two days, the UCL team will be joining the partners from the School of Architecture and Design of the University of Camerino (UniCam; Italy) to conduct joined educational and research activities on earthquake engineering and risk prevention. Great support in these activities will be provided by Prof Andrea Dall'Asta, Prof Graziano Leoni, Prof Alessandro Zona and the structural team of the University of Camerino.
The complete programme of the reconnaissance trip can be downloaded from the following link.