EPICentre Seminar "Factors Affecting Site Response Analysis" by Prof Atilla Ansal
17 November 2016
Epicentre is very pleased to announce the next EPICentre seminar by Prof Atilla Ansal, from Ozyegin University in Istanbul, Turkey.
Prof Ansal received his Ph.D. on Geotechnical Engineering from Northwestern University, USA in 1977. He was promoted to Associate Professorship in 1982 and to Professorship in 1988 in Istanbul Technical University. He moved to the Earthquake Engineering Department of Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute of Bogaziçi University in 2002. Since March 2012 he is working as full time professor in the Engineering Faculty of Ozyegin University. He served as visiting professor and researcher in different institutions in Norway, Portugal, Italy, Japan, USA and UK for extended periods of time during his academic career. Atilla Ansal has been the Secretary General of European Association for Earthquake Engineering (EAEE) since 1994. He started the publication BEE in 2002 as the Chief Editor with Kluwer Publishers which later became part of Springer. In addition he is the Editor in Chief of the popular book series by Springer on "Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering". He published over 200 papers in journals, conference proceedings, books and as research reports on soil mechanics, soil dynamics, microzonation, liquefaction, site amplification, earthquake hazard scenarios.
Site specific assessment of earthquake ground motion characteristics requires (a) a regional earthquake hazard study to account for the variability of ground motion characteristics due to source mechanism and path effects; and selection of hazard compatible strong motion acceleration records with respect to fault type, earthquake magnitude, source distance and average shear wave velocity at the recording station; (b) the scaling methodology for the selected strong motion acceleration records to be used for site response analyses as input motion. In addition, large number of soil profiles need to be considered to account for the variability of the site conditions with respect to soil stratification and shear wave velocity variations. All these factors will be summarised based on the previously conducted parametric and case studies.