Academic profiles

Creating the UK’s first menopause education programme
Professor Joyce Harper, Dr Shema Tariq and Dr Nicky Keay share their experiences of pooling their expertise to create the first public facing UK menopause education and support programme.

Professor Rodney Harrison on UCL’s partnership with the National Trust
Rodney Harrison, Professor of Heritage Studies, talks about the mutual benefits of UCL’s strategic partnership with the UK’s largest heritage organisation.

Dr Keri Wong on co-creating mental health support with young people
Dr Keri Wong, from IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society, shares her experience of co-creating mental health workshops with young people and partners in London.

Professor David Guile and Dr Benjamin Abrams on working with Camden Council
Professor David Guile and Dr Benjamin Abrams, from IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society, share their experience of embarking on a new kind of knowledge exchange project with Camden Council.

Dr Andrea Rayat on working with a global biotechnology company
As an academic working with global biotechnology company Biocatalysts Ltd, Dr Andrea Rayat underlines the value of sharing specialist UCL research with industry.

Sarah Wolferstan on her research secondment with the National Trust
Sarah Wolferstan, Project Manager at UCL’s Centre for Applied Archaeology, shares her experience of working at the National Trust.

Nishesh Jain on working as a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) Associate
KTP Associate Nishesh Jain is helping software company DesignBuilder stand out in a new field, with access to the latest ‘in-use’ building performance assessment expertise.

Dr Ashley Dhanani on being an urban mobility consultant
Dr Ashley Dhanani shares his experience of providing consultancy on urban mobility to Transport for London, the Greater London Authority and the UK’s Department for Transport.