UCL’s technology transfer expertise discussed in Global University Venturing podcast
8 February 2021
Dr Anne Lane (CEO, UCLB) discusses how UCL is externalising ground-breaking research to benefit society in the latest ‘Talking Tech Transfer’ podcast.

Anne talks about why UCL is so good at translating its research and know-how externally. She describes the unique ecosystem and culture of innovation at UCL. This ecosystem enables and encourages research and development (R&D) to be fast-tracked from the lab to the outside world, for the benefit of society.
Anne shares her views with Global University Venturing’s editor, Thierry Heles. The podcast features an in-depth conversation on the importance of the UCL Technology Fund and the Apollo Therapeutics Fund.
They also discuss the advantages of social enterprises and working with Mercedes AMG HPP on the UCL-Ventura CPAP breathing aid. UCL-Ventura is a medical device to help COVID-19 patients in intensive care.
UCLB is the commercialisation arm of UCL and part of UCL Innovation & Enterprise.
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