UCL Innovation & Enterprise – helping you transform your knowledge and ideas into action
3 October 2017
Our work is at the heart of UCL’s ambition to change the world for the better (outlined in UCL 2034), and plays a vital part in the shared mission to tackle the great global challenges of our time.

We’ve had a very busy summer, from finalising our strategy (pdf) and new visual identity through to preparing for our autumn ‘Open door’ event series. We’ve also been updating our website, which includes details on all the ways we now support staff and students.
UCL Innovation and Enterprise strategy
Over the next five years we’re challenging ourselves to focus on the following strategic innovation and enterprise priorities across the university:
- Improve UCL engagement with business and innovation partners
- Contribute to the employability of all students, staff and the wider community
- Use our position in London to benefit London, the UK and the wider world
- Promote and embed an effective culture of innovation and knowledge exchange across UCL
- Contribute to the financial sustainability of the institution
Read the strategy in full (pdf).
New visual identity
Our new visual identity resonates strongly with the UCL brand – this was key to us as UCL is our brand. We’ve made use of UCL’s great colour palette and have created five action-bar headers which emanate out from the UCL banner with energy and movement. This symbolises the transformation of knowledge and ideas into action that UCL Innovation & Enterprise so actively encourages. Our new website now reflects this – ucl.ac.uk/enterprise
'Open door' to Innovation and Enterprise
This autumn we’re running weekly drop-in events – ‘Open door' to Innovation and Enterprise – where you can:
- get face-to-face advice from our innovation and enterprise experts
- learn from each other through peer-to-peer networking and collaboration
- hear about the broad range of support we offer, including development opportunities
Date: Every Wednesday, starting on 18 October, 3 to 5pm
Venue: South Orangery, Wilkins Lower Refectory
There’s no need to register, just come along.
Support for staff and students
We can support staff and students with everything from developing entrepreneurial skills and providing funding opportunities, through to helping you develop high-value research partnerships or advising you on developing short courses and CPD.