Zhixin Liu awarded impact acceleration grant
30 April 2021
Dr Zhixin Liu, ONG lecturer in optical communications and networks, has received funding from the EPSRC Impact Acceleration Award (IAA) scheme to develop a frequency comb prototype that will radically enhance the scalability of data centres.

Data centres, containing thousands of computer servers interconnected by a web of optical fibres, are fundamental to a data-driven society, supporting services such as video streaming, cloud storage, big data analytics and machine learning.
Our demand for data is relentless and new technologies are essential if data centres are to keep up. Simply adding more servers only increases the already large footprint of data centres, making them more expensive and less energy efficient to run.
The new funding will look to address this problem by progressing research undertaken by Dr Zhixin Liu at UCL. To solve the problem of scalability, Zhixin has developed a novel technique that replaces the laser arrays in optical transceivers – devices that convert digital bits to optical signals – with a high-performance frequency comb source...
Read the full article on our departmental news page.
Dr Zhixin Liu's profile
Research project: PhotoDAC
Optics for the Cloud Research Alliance
TRANSNET Programme
UCL Innovation and Enterprise